
Rat Problem?

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Hey, yeah.. this is Maven, i've posted a few questions here about my Rats, this time.. my new rat, been normal for a few months.. Almost a year, and i noticed today it looks like he has like.. a Crooked head.. almost like it's tilted sideways, and.. She musta pulled something or.. I dunno, but she walks with her head leaned to the side.. like i said, almost like she pulled a ligament i dunno.. Anyone know what the problem would be? Just happend today..




  1. Your rat is going to need to see a vet asap.  It can be a tumor or an inner ear infection.  Most likley an ear infection and she will need antibiotics.  Most of the time the antibiotics will get your baby back to normal.  A stoke is another option but that usually happens in older rats.....but that doesnt rule it out if she is a youngen.  I would get her to see a vet so she can get on antibiotics and I would think its an ear infection but be prepared for the others.  Both the ear infection and stoke are something the rat can fully recover from.  A tumor on the other hand will shorten the life of your baby.  Is it a female?  Tumors are more common in older females than in males.  There are some drugs that can prolong the life of a rat with a tumor.


    I read your additional details and I have to say that I really doubt that it is caused by the rats fighting.  I really have to say that I think it is an ear infection.  That is usually the main cause of a head tilt.  Do a google search for rat head tilt and make your own conclusion.  Whatever it is I hope your ratty is ok.

  2. all I know is that its some sort of symptom I suggest you get it the the vet ASAP

    good luck!!

  3. The only reason for a rat to walk with a head tilt (which is what you are describing) is pressure on the ear drum.

    This can not be caused by a rat fight.  They just can't reach/injure that deeply into the ear canal.

    It can be caused by an ear infection or a pituitary tumor, and these are the most common causes.  Ear infections are very common in young rats.  Pituitary tumors are very common in rats between 1 and 2 years of age, although they can occur in younger animals.  

    It can also be caused by a polyp, but these are very uncommon in younger rats.  These are actually harder to treat than ear infections, and just as deadly as tumors.

    I'm sorry that you doubt that the rat has an ear infection or tumor.  But trust those of us with more experience that these are the most likely causes, and take the rat to the vet.  Most likely, they will give you antibiotics and/or anti-inflammatories.  

    Even if you don't want to believe that one of those is possible, you should at least be willing to believe that this is a serious condition, and that you need to get the rat to the vet now.

    She is NOT fine.  Rats can hide their symptoms VERY well, and, by the time symptoms show up they are usually very sick.  A head tilt is a SERIOUS symptom, and needs to be dealt with right away, by a vet.  

    Don't kid yourself: if you don't treat the head tilt, she will most likely die.  

    If you get her treated, she will most likely live.  Based on her age, it is most likely an ear infection, which can usually be cured with a few weeks of antibiotics.

    Incidentally, if it does turn out to be a tumor or polyp, there are treatments available.  If you want more details, send me a message.
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