
Rat dont eat none of her food help?

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i have tryed her on rat food gerbail ginua pig etc food and she wont eat none of it the only stuff she eats is my food she will come and sit on my lap and help herself to my food i dont really wanna feed her human food all the time as im worried about her diet but she wont eat nothing else,iv had her for about two weeks her last owner feed her toast all the time so im thinking shes got to use to human food thats why she wont eat her own food,shes 2-3 years old,any help with what i can do is apractied




  1. P.S it is gerbil and not gerbail

                 guinea pig and not ginua pig

                 I've and not iv

                 appreaciated and not apractied

  2. KEEP HER ON THE SAME DIET THAT SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN ON!!!!!!!!!! you cant just expect she's gonna change diets instantly! either buy the food she was fed on at the pet shop or wearn her onto your food you want. your rat is probably confused at this moment.

  3. just leave normal rat food out all the time and then about twice a day feed her fruit, veggies, toast, whole wheat is really healthy, and protein all of that stuff is human food, its just healthy

  4. If you are in the uk go to pets at home and buy rat NUGGETS not the mixed food ask the staff they will help you.

    You must never feed yoru rat gerbil food or any other pet food.  Stop feeding her any of your food and make sure you give her fresh nuggets every day (but nit too many as she will get fat quickly) also ensure she has all the right toys the right type of cage and fresh water daily! Make sure you feed her at the sane time each day and don't taker her out just before or just after you have given her the food..

    This way she will get very hungry and will then eat the nuggets just as long as you give in.

    You also need to make sure her teeth are okay as this can cause pain in eating which may mean she will only eat human food as its softer.

    Email me if you need anything else

    EDIT: As you should know if you have been keeping rats for a while DON'T feed them red meat and anything else with high protien content as this is really bad for the rat.

  5. I have a 2 year old female rat.  Give your rat store bought pellets and supplement with any of the following foods.

    apples, cherries, grapes, banana, strawberries, other berries, melons, plums, broccoli, potatoes, peas, carrot, cooked sweet potato, meats (cooked)  pasta and bread yogurt brown rice breakfast cereals

    meal-worms small dog biscuits Leftovers from your meals are okay in moderation, whole nuts in the shell sunflower seeds (high in fat),

    What Not to Feed


    raw beans

    raw sweet potato

    cabbage, brussel sprouts

    green potatoes

    sweet sugary treats, any other "junk food"

    caffeinated beverages

    carbonated drinks  

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