
Rat help- i'm going away for while?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going on a vacation for 10 days and I was wondering because there's isn't gonna be any one home and no one around to do things for him, if I give it a extra food and filled his water bottle to the brim if he'd be ok for 10 days by himself




  1. I filled up my hamster's bowl t the top and he was fine

  2. I would give him to a friend if possible. He might get really loney being ten days by himself. (normally animals dont mind like 2-4 days but ten is a  little much.


    is you can't give him to any one  you can have somone come over on the 3rd 6th 9th day. (PLZ DO OPTION number 1 it is better for your rat.) if you are doing this then have the person come over play with him feed him and change his water..


    you can call a pet sitter they will watch your rat for about $10 a day.

  3. I wouldn't recommend it.  One water bottle certainly won't work. You would need like 3 or more.  Is there any way that you can get a friend to watch him? If so, do that.

  4. In my opinion, no. Some people think it's alright, but 10 days is a LONG time for a rat to be alone with no rat companionship or human contact. What will happen if all the food spills out of the cage? What will happen if the water bottle leaks and is gone within a day or two? What will happen if the cage isn't secure and the rat gets out? A lot could happen in 10 days. I don't even like leaving my gerbils alone for 1 day, let alone 10.

    Rats are social. They thrive on companionship. I would recommend you get a friend or family member to watch him while you're away. They aren't too hard to care for. Just tell them they'll need to check his food and water daily to see if it needs to be refilled, and that they need to handle him every day. Also, if he needs his cage cleaned a bit, they could do that too.

    It really shouldn't be too hard to find someone to care for your rat for 10 days. I bet you could find a friend who would be willing to do it. If you can't, though, I guess leaving your rat alone is your only option. I really hope you do find someone. Good luck.

  5. No.

    I would never do that to my rats. You cannot be sure he won't tip his food and not have anymore, he may drink all of his water in 2 or 3 days and be without it for the next week! Rats are very social, and since yours seems to be a lone rat (which is not a good idea, you should get another) he needs human companionship even more. You need to find someone to check in on him and handle him.

  6. NO WAY!

    Sorry, but leaving a rat completely alone for 10 days would be downright cruel!

    His food could spill over, or you may not put in enough. It will also not be fresh and bacteria could grow on it.

    Would you like to drink 10 day old water? Old water could harm him and if the water bottle falls over and he can't reach it, your rat could die. You'd also need about 3 bottles to last him for 10 days.

    Rats are social animals and thrive on companionship - you're rat is already living on his own, which is not an ideal situation as rat should live in pairs of small groups, so him having no contact with anybody for 10 days could make him quite ill or depressed.

    What if he were to escape? 10 days in a house with wires, holes and possibly not being able to get back to the food and water in his cage would kill him.

    I'm hoping that you give your rats cage a full clean out once a week? He's going to be going for an extra two days without that cleanout which is not ideal - and I also hope you take out any wet patches, mop up urine and take out droppings on a daily basis - think how much of his waste is going to build up if he's not cleaned for 10 days  which will make him sick and as I'm assuming his cage isn't that big because he's on his own, the ammonia could get unbearable.

    Alot could happen in 10 days - you MUST find somebody who will change his food and water, do a little bit of cleaning and if possible, play with him EVERYDAY. I don't mean to be rude, but you should have thought about holidays before you got a pet. There must be somebody who would either visit your home or take the rats cage for the 10 days - a neighbor, friend or family member?

    I'm not threatening you here - I really just want to help and ensure the welfare of your pet - but I work as a volunteer for the RSPCA and when somebody leaves a pet unattended for 10 days we take that as animal abuse and rescue the pet and fine the owner! I'm sure you care about your rat and want the best for him, or you wouldn't have even asked for other opinions so please listen to me - Please don't leave your rat for 10 days - it would be cruel and could leave him seriously ill or even dead.

  7. Well what i would do is

    Get a few water bottles, like about 3 medium sized ones, for days that get very hot and your rattie wit drink more. So that it doesnt run out.

    And for the food, well fill up your food dish alll the way. And maybe hide some treats and food around the rats cage so it doesnt run out as fast.

    Hope that works, and maybe get one of your close friends to check on your rat once or twice to make shure your rat is doing well :)

    Hope you have a great trip !

  8. probably not.    i guess it depends on how much he eats and drinks a day?  but for 10 days??  you would probly need like a few bottles of water...  but the best thing to do is ask a freind or other family member to watch him..or a neighbor that u may know     good luck!

  9. i wouldnt leave your rat on its own.

    maybe get a neighbour or a friend to just pop in and give it some fresh water, food, and exercise.

    hope this helps.

  10. get a friend to watch him

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