
Rat help pls?

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if i get a rat and wnat to bring it to the us and im in canida and i fly it to the us do i need to get papers and what is a better to have 2 female rats or 2 males and what are the pros and cons also if i have 2 males will they mark there territory more and will it smell alot




  1. Females actually aren't less friendly. A rat's friendliness really depends on socialization from a young age. Also, the threat of female tumors can be diminished by having them spayed within the first year of life.

    It is accurate that females are more active than males. Males are great TV buddies, while females will be more curious and mischievous but easier to train.

    You really shouldn't get only one rat. They will be happier and healthier in pairs or more.

    Good luck with the US to Canada thing, why not just find read up on US Customs webpage?

  2. females:

    Females are more active than males, they are also more curious, smaller and have nicer fur.  if you want a playful rat, get a female. they are also less friendly.  Most die of tumors at a younger age.


    Males are much calmer and much friendlyer than females.  they dont run around as much and spend more time on your lap.

    they will probrably notice your presence much more than females.  On the other hand, they are bigger, have dirtyer fur and mark their territory by peeing wich is really unstoppable.

    im gonna get 2 males after summer break and i have done tons of reasearch and most pepl seem to prefer males =)

  3. Idk about the traveling thing, but i do know about the other thing.  it is good that you decided to get two rats, maybe you'd consider getting more. Females are generally more active, smaller and have a high chance of developing tumors. they are good together spayed or unspayed. 2 males will fight is they are not neutered. they are more laid back and would gladly snuggle.  both sexes mark their territory with urine.  It cannot be stopped in females but it can be cut down in males.  male rat urine does tend to be more odorous, but it shouldn't be a problem if you keep the cage clean.
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