
Rat help???

by Guest59496  |  earlier

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I had to yank my rat from under the heater because he got loose and I have five cats. He's a baby and got really scared and hasn't let me touch him for a week. Do you think he'll get over it? He still approaches my hand but I think he's going to bite it. His brother is still pleases as punch and I know he wants to follow him onto my hand. I don't want him to grow up to be skittish.




  1. Bribe him with a little chicken bone with some meat on it...they love chicken, at least all mine did and hard boiled eggs, just break a piece off yolk and whites...

  2. okay. clearly your rat is afraid. you can try coaxing him by getting some nice treats that your rat enjoys and letting him smell them in your hand. he'll be tempted to climb into yor hand and will try to eat it. dont be afraid if he's gonna bite you because animals can sense your fear, your happiness, all your emotions. and when an animal senses fear in you, they tend to take advantage of it. when your places even one tiny little paw on your hand, dont get overexcited or overwhelmed because he'll sense that too and will be afraid and hide. remain calm if he places that tiny little paw in your hand. continue doing this with him and with the other one. eventually he'll be his own self again. :).

  3. i hope he'll get over it,  try giving him treats when you want him to come to you.  dont be afraid that he'll bite you.  if he bites you try not to jerk away as that can scare him, simply blow on his face and give a stern 'no'

  4. It sounds like the rat got trauma from the accident!!!!  He Will get over it, it will just take time! What I did when my male at got mad at me was I would bribe him with some of his favorite treats and hold him just by himself.  If he would want to run away I would stick him in my shirt!!!!  I would also give him treats if he would calm down.

    Hope that helps

  5. Any animal can recover to some degree with love and a gentle heart.  Just be gentle with him, try picking out seeds to hand feed him and try your best to keep things feeling gentle.  If you're not afraid of him, he'll learn he doesn't have to be either.
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