
Rat **** in my drawers?

by Guest62100  |  earlier

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I've recently opened a few drawers that I haven't opened in a very long time and I have found some small black pellets that I at first thought was rat poo, but that's kind of impossible seeing as to how there aren't any holes in the drawers. Any clue as to what this might be?




  1. These are mice droppings you are finding in your drawers, mice can get into anyplace they desire, mice don't have to have holes in order to enter, they can enter in the tiniest of places, your best bet to eradicate them is to leave out a flat  plate of instant mash potato flakes, (flakes only) should be used and a bowl of water besides the plate what this does is swell them up inside and they have to run outside for air and this causes them to have indigestion and die, the mice will not die in your home, do not place this where pets can eat the potato flakes instead place behind the furniture or where the mice are entering your home which they could be entering from under your home just place the potato flakes under your home and it will kill any mice still living Good Luck !

  2. Not rats Mice...Believe me They can get into the smallest of holes.Put a baited trap in there You'll see

  3. the monsters from under your bed are crapping in your drawers. just leave a note saying please use the bathroom. if that doesn't work then the monsters are evil and you should search for a religious official to rid your house of the evil monster. proceed with caution as these evil monsters can and will rape you in every hole on your body and break seven of the ten commandments in the process. i wish you the best of luck.

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