
Rat might have respiratory infection?!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I am ratsitting my friend's rat because she went away for about 2 weeks. when she gave him to me he was breathing really heavily and he's been doing this since i've had him (july 11th?) and he's done this before when i was at her house and when she took him to the vet he had a respiratory infection. but now hes still breathing heavy and he won't move? i thought i heard him make some noises and now i'm scared that he is going to die in my care. Help please?




  1. what kind of bedding is he using? If it's pine or cedar... CHANGE IT! NOW!!! Pine or cedar bedding (along with other scented beddings) can case respiratory infections in rats. You should take the rat to a vet as soon as possible! And NEVER... never ever! Use pine or cedar.

    And no buying a new one that looks like the old one is a bad idea... if your friend knows her rat well... she'll notice... and you'll be in bigger trouble for lieing. If he dies tell your friend he died of a respiratory infection.

  2. Make sure he is warm and first thing at 8 am go find a vet that is open.

  3. just go to the pet store and buy one that look like it if it is a rat for f**k close do you think you friend has examined it,s body.if it a solid color then this will work great.

  4. If he is sick to the point of not moving he needs immediate vet care.  This means finding an emergency clinic that is open.

    In the meantime keep him warm and away from drafts.  You can try using a snuggle safe, bean bag, or a bottle of warm water wrapped in a towel as a heat source.  Just make sure he has room to move away from the heat and doesn`t rest on it for too long as he can easily burn.

    He sounds very sick and very much in need of intensive vet care.

  5. I definitely would call a vet. He could be having heart failure. 2 of my rats died from that.

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