
Rat tilting her head?

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My rat is tilting her head to one side, I have an appointment for the vet tomorrow but I was just wondering if anyone knew if it could be caused by an ear infection?




  1. ear infection or tooth root abcess, make sure you keep her warm and eating/drinking whilst on antibiotics

  2. It could be an ear infection or it could be Head Tilt, my friend's rat has Head Tilt. The vet can give you medicine for it.

  3. Ear mite can cause ear infection

  4. Ear infection is the most common cause of head tilting.

    This is what caused my rat Hannah's head tilt, but it ended up being a permanent side effect. Even after treating the ear infection, the head tilt remains.

    It doesn't bother her, but I moved her into a single level cage, due to loss of balance from the head tilt.
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