
Rate/Fix E-Hero Deck!!!?

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Monsters - 17

Elemental Hero Bladege x2

Elemental Hero Wildheart x3

Giant Rat x3

Elemental Hero Woodsman x3

Elemental Hero Clayman x2

King of the Swamp x3

Spells - 20

E - Emergency Call x3

Heavy Storm

Mage Power

Miracle Fusion x3

Mystical Space Typhoon

Polymerization x2

Premature Burial

R - Righteous Justice x3

Reinforcement of the Army x2

United We Stand

Monster Reborn

Traps - 4

Mirror Force

Sakuretsu Armor x3

Fusion Deck - 18

Elemental Hero Wildedge x3

Elemental Hero Terra Firma x3

Elemental Hero Thunder Giant x3

Elemental Hero Mudballman x3

~~Need Side Deck~~




  1. first, i like the idea of king of the swamp. creative. +2

    second, if this is an actual deck and not a virtual deck, then im surprised by the woodsmen, mudballmen, and Terra Firmas, tell me where i can get them please!!!! +3

    great deck against magic and traps! +6

    the fact that you cant count saddens me greatly!! -2

    9/10 aint bad for a E-Hero Deck, but my advice to you is take out one miracle fusion, one R-Righteous Justice, and one E-Emergency Call, and add a playset of The A. Forces, this card gives 200 extra ATK to each warrior on your side of the field for every warrior on your side of the field. (That means two warriors and to continuous A. Forces gives both warriors 800 extra!)

  2. Good enough deck to burn someone down with fusions. Add some Hex Sealed fusions.

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