
Rate/Fix My Yugioh D.D. Deck?

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i made this deck from the Dark Emperor Structure Deck. What Monsters should i take out?


3 D.D. Survivor

2 Golden Homunculus

2 Caius The Shadow Monarch

1 Banisher of the Radiance

1 Banisher of the Light

3 D. D. Scout Plane

2 Exiled Force

1 Morphing Jar

1 D.D. Assailant

2 Gren Maju Da Eiza

1 D.D. Warrior

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

1 Kycoo the ghost destroyer

1 Sniper Hunter

2 Bazoo The Soul-Eater


3 Dimensional Fissure

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Fissure

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Revival

1 Soul Exchange

1 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Return From The D.D.


3 Macro Cosmos

3 D.D. Dynamite

1 Return from the Different Dimension

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute




  1. ur deck is very good n strong but u gona need more  trap cards if wana win monsters n spell cards effect is good u gonna need trap card for back


  3. I used to play it.

    When I played you didn't want anymore than 40 cards (the minimum).

    The more cards you have in your deck the less chance you have of drawing any one card.  This means you'll have less chance of drawing the most powerful cards in your deck.

    Also, the larger your deck gets the less control you have over the variance of monster/ spell/trap card draws you get.   The ratio of monster to magic to trap is sort of important and a large deck allows for more variance in this ratio when drawing (that is bad).

    When I played I liked using about 17 monster cards but I know things have changed a lot since then.  I used beat down decks.

    Other than deck size I cannot really comment without learning the new sets.

    Another tip,  I used to arrange cards in different ways.

    Monster cards

    Effect monster cards

    Monster removal cards

    M/T removal cards

    and I had another section but I don't remember what I called it.

    It was for cards like pot of greed that would burn your deck quicker.  

    I might have called it Deck Control.

    The key thing is to break your deck down into components.  When you have done this you can analyze it and make small changes to tweak it.   Making changes is too difficult if all you see is 40 cards.

  4. Whoa 47 cards, thats too much! You should have only 40 cards in a deck for faster and more stable draws (to get the card you want).

    Remove 1 D.D Scout Plane (He only have 800att and 1200 def)

    Exchange Banisher of Light for Banisher of Radiance

    Reduce D.D. Dynamite by 1 (Reason being it takes time to Remove their cards from play so getting this early won't help)

    Exchange D.D. Warrior and D.D. Assailant For D.D. Warrior Lady.

    Remove 2 Bazoo the Soul Eater ( with 3 D.F. 3 Macro Crosmos and 2 banisher of radiance this guy have no use)

    Remove 1 reinforcements of the army (Reason: You don't have alot warriors....)

    Remove 1 Golden Homunculus

    Remove Giant Trunade

    Exchange Fissure and your Spell card Return From the D.D. (Whats that card anyway?) for Sakuretsu Armor.

  5. Awesome deck, but could do with some changes to make it brilliant. Here, make it like this........

    Monsters - 20

    3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

    3x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

    3x D.D. Survivor

    2x D.D. Crow

    2x Cyber Dragon

    2x D.D. Assailant

    1x D.D. Warrior Lady

    2x D.D. Warrior

    2x Gren Maju De Eiza

    Spells - 13

    3x Dimensional Fissure

    3x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

    1x Heavy Storm

    1x Mystical Space Typhoon

    1x Brain Control

    1x Lightning Vortex

    1x Nobleman of Crossout

    2x Reinforcment of the Army

    Traps - 7

    2x Macro Cosmos

    2x Bottomless Trap Hole

    1x Torrential Tribute

    1x Mirror Force

    1x Return from the Different Dimension

    If you are able to make this deck, then you should 100% do so. It's fast, strong and highly unlikely to produce a bad hand.

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