
Rate/Fix my Fusion Deck Please!

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Fusion Power Deck Total Cards:71


7 Colored Fish x3

Blue Eyes White Dragon x3

Curse of Dragonx2

CyberTech Alligator X2

Dunames Dark Witchx1

Elemental Hero Avian x3

Elemental Hero Burstinatix x3

Elemental Hero Clayman x3

Elemental Hero Sparkman x3

Gaia The Fierce Knight x 3

Gemini Elf x2

Jerry Beans Man x1

Summoned Skull x1

Red-Eyes B. Dragon x3

Big Eye x3

Crass Clown x3

Dream Clown x3

Harpy Lady 1 x3


Axe of Despair x3

Card Destruction x1

Fairy Meteor Crush x3

Fusion Gate x3

Fusion Sage x3

Polymerization x3


Enchanted Javelin x3

Hero Signal x2

Jar of Greed x2

Trap Hole x3

I dont care about deck size except under 80 please!




  1. try making it just to forthy cards and make it an elemental hero deck because there powered by Fusions there are about 100 fusion monsters for an elemental hero deck and most of them you only have to use avian,sparkman,bursitnatrix,bubbleman,an... clayman so you don't have to use a lot of monsters here are some other tips for a good deck 1.Make sure every spell in your deck generates a significant advantage or helps you win the game  2.Ignore anything you see on the tv show. Situational monsters are pointless, as their too hard to summon and too easy to destroy. almost every deck you see on the tv show sucks, as well as most of the "tactics"

  2. Hello. As far as fusions are concerned, the only successful ones I've seen in tournaments are based off of machines. Here's one for you to try.

    MONSTERS: 20

    3 Dekoichi

    3 Proto-Cyber Dragon

    2 Cyber Dragon

    3 Cyber Phoenix

    2 Drillroid

    1 Jinzo

    1 Reflect Bounder

    1 Card Trooper

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Marshmallon

    1 Sangan

    SPELLS: 16

    3 Power Bond

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Giant Trunade

    1 Pot of Avarice

    1 Overload Fusion

    1 Future Fusion

    1 Limiter Removal

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Swords of Revealing Light

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Future Fusion

    1 Overload Fusion

    TRAPS: 5

    2 Sakuretsu Armor

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    Fusion: 9

    3 Chimeratech Over Dragon

    3 Cyber End Dragon

    3 Cyber Twin Dragon

    As you can plainly see, this is a Machine OTK. I found it in one of my old Beckett Deck Doctor articles. Try it out and let me know how it goes.

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