
Rate-Help My D.D. Deck?

by Guest32150  |  earlier

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i need help with this deck. i need to make it 40 and i dont know what to take out, and i also need advice to make this dd deck better.I based it around building life points with soul absorption

D.D. Deck 41 cards

Monsters 17

Kuraz The Light Monarch

Caius The Shadow Monarch

Blowback Dragon

Van'Dalgyon The Dark Dragon Lord x2

Cyber Valley x3

D.D. Scout Plane x2

D.D. Warrior Lady

D.D. Survivor x3

Spirit Reaper

D.D. Assailant x2

Magic 13

Swords of Revealing Light

Mystical Space Typhoon

Soul Absorption x2

Lightning Vortex

Allure of Darkness x2

D.D.R. Different Dimensional Reincarnation x2

Dimensional Fissure x3

Reinforcement of The Army

Trap 11

Escape From The Dark Dimension

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Dark Bribe x2

Crush Card Virus

Macro Cosmos x3

Solemn Judgment

Return From The Different Dimension




  1. if u want an awsome deck or u just want good cards go to ebay and bid on my deck for 20 bucks search dark armed dragon deck and look until u see a pic of a darklord zerato deck this deck has won over 100 tournaments good luck

  2. take out kuraz and put in another ciaus...also take out a dd scout plane and add a dd warrior lady...put in dd different demension master and take out soul absorption.

  3. It looks fairly good the way that it is, but with some changes it could be way better. Try to make it more like this.....

    Monster - 20

    1x Dark Magician of Chaos

    3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

    2x Jinzo

    3x Cyber Valley

    2x Cyber Dragon

    1x D.D. Warrior Lady

    3x D.D. Survivor

    2x D.D. Scout Plane

    3x D.D. Assailant

    Spells - 13

    3x Dimensional Fissure

    2x D.D.R - Different Dimension Reincarnation

    1x Heavy Storm

    1x Mystical Space Typhoon

    1x Brain Control

    2x Soul Exchange

    2x Flames of Doomsday

    1x Machine Duplication

    Traps - 7

    3x Macro Cosmos

    2x Solemn Judgment

    1x Torrential Tribute

    1x Return from the Different Dimension

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