
Rate/Help My Warrior/Earth Deck, Yugioh?

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Ok This is what Ive got in my deck:


Injection Fairy Lily

Cyber DragonX2

Kuraz The light monarchX3

Obnoxious Celtic Gaurd

Deep Diver

Exiled ForceX3

Giant Rat X2

Marauding Captain X2

Morphing Jar X1

Mobius The frost Monarch



Mystical Space Typhoon

Lightning Vortex

Axe of Despair

Heavy Storm

Wave Motion Cannon

Premature Burial

Swords of Revaling light

Monster Reborn

Fusion Sword Murasame Blade

Ribbon of Rebirth

Sword of dragons soul

Reinfocement of the armyX3

Mage Power


Ordeal of a traveler

Sakuretsu Armor

Royal Decree

Draining Shield

Scrap Iron Scarecrow

Magic Cylinder

Bottomless Trap Hole

Spirit Barier

Soul Rope

Royal Command

Dark Mirror Force




  1. I'd say it's pretty strong. But Cyber Dragon is now limited as of today, which stinks because I LOVE CYBERDRAGON and JUST traded my favorite cards for a second one so I could have 2 in my deck at a tournament last Tuesday! PLUS Premature Burial is now BANNED which REALLY SUCKS because my deck REVOLVES around that card and Monster Reborn and I'm desperately trying to substitute something for it. Try birthrite, but it wont bring back your effect monsters. Great deck though. I give it an 8. I love it though, good move with a lot of your combo cards.

  2. Looks like a bit of a cookie cutter/rat toolbox to me. I'll give it a 6.5/10.

    With the Kuraz and Mobius I recommend you make a Monarch Control. Once you have Monarchs it's a cinch to make and it works wonders. If you need some help with Monarch Control decklist, look it up on

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