
Rate My Pokemon Party???

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Ok here is mt new team. I might have a new one next week. MIGHT!!!


Dark Pulse

Sucker Punch


Shadow Ball

I love this pokemon cause it has no weakness


Hydro Pump

Aqua Tail

Ice Beam



Dragon Pulse



Hydro Pump


Heat Wave



Dragon Claw


Energy Ball

Leaf Storm




Double Edge



Blank.. still thinking

I love Aggron cause its maxed out hp is344 which is really high.I also need another REALLY REALLY good attack for Aggron.




  1. this is a very good pokemon team i would suggest making aggron learn focus punch or giga impact more on the focus punch though and spiritomb is cool it is resistant to poison and is immune to normal,fighting,psychic so good team  

  2. That is some crazy pokemon party dude

  3. Well, your Spiritomb is more of a special sweeper. That is not good since many, many Pokémon do that job better. Gengar, Gardevoir, Porygon-Z, Alakazam, Togekiss, Rotom, Jolteon, Glaceon, Azelf, Milotic, and Mesprit for starters. 6/10

    Spiritomb shines as an annoyer or a tank. I recommend this moveset:

    ♦ Spiritomb @Leftovers

    • Hypnosis

    • Calm Mind

    • Shadow Ball

    • Hidden Power Fighting (if you can't get it, then aim for Shock Wave or Water Pulse for Steels).

    Feraligatr is O.K. at best. If I were you, I would replace Hydro Pump for Agility. Also replace Ice Beam for Ice Fang, since Ice Fang is physical and Feraligatr has a higher physical attack. Still, I think keeping Ice Beam might be better (it has more power). Agility will make Feraligatr and efficient sweeper. You should of bred for Dragon Dance and Ice Punch though! :-( 7/10

    Your Salamence does great with Choice Specs. If you do get Choice Specs, replace Crunch for Draco Meteor. Draco Meteor hits super hard that way, and since you'll be switching a lot, thanks to Choice Specs, you don't have to worry about the sp. attack drop. 9/10

    Charizard looks like it can set up Sunny Day since 1) It can reduce its water weakness in the sun. 2) Solar Beam doesn't need to last two turns in the sun. Replace Fly for Sunny Day. Also consider Dragon Pulse over Dragon Claw since Charizard does have higher sp. attack (unless its a mixed sweeper). 8/10

    Torterra does best with all physical attack moves. Its special attack is not that good. Because of this, take out Energy Ball for Rock Slide and Leaf Storm for Wood Hammer. Torterra doesn't need two grass moves. 6/10

    Thunder Punch hits Water types harder than Thunderbolt, so replace that. You can get Stone Edge for the last move slot since its gets STAB and a critical hit often. 8.5/10

    On average, your team gets a 7.4/10. Try getting better moves, and things should go much better.

  4. Your Team are actually quite good.

    You have a range of types which makes a great combination.

    The moves are awsome so I don't need to tell you which ones to change. I love Feraligtor and Charizard, there in my top 10.

    It's very impressive that your Aggron's HP is 344, i've never got it that high lol.

    For Aggron's final move, you should teach it Solar Beam or Giga Impact. These moves will make your Aggron powerful as ever.

    Overall 9/10. Well done!

  5. 3refjiefp'frjkrefe;'fer

    f*ckin f*ckin awesome

    pokemon own

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