
Rate My (Warrior) deck (Yu-Gi-Oh!). I checked it for competitive environment!?

by Guest59339  |  earlier

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2x BlueEyes White Dragon

3x Summonded Skull

1x Command Knight

2x Marauding Captain

1x Chaos Sorcerer

2x Kaiser Sea Horse

1x Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

1x Caius The Shadow Monarch

1x Spirit Reaper

2x Old Vindictive Magician

1x DD Warrior Lady

1x DD Warrior

1x DD Assailant

1x Hiro's Shadow Scout

1x Night Assailant

1x Mataza The Zapper

2x Mask Of Darkness

3x ManEater Bug


2x ReinforcementOfTheArmy

1x TheWarriorReturningAlive

1x Lightning Blade

1x Fissure

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x NoblemanOfCrossout

1x MysticalSpaceTyphoon

1x Swords Of Revealing Light

1x Monster Reborn

1x Scapegoat

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Megamorph

1x Mage Power

1x Spell Absorption

3x Axe Of Despair

1x Enemy Controller


2x Xing Zhen Hu

1x Enchanted Javelin

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Robbin Goblin

1x BottomlessTrapHole

1x CompulsoryEvacuationDevice

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x A Hero Emerges

3x Trap Hole

1x Gravity Bind

1x MagicCylinder




  1. Since its a warrior deck, run all warriors, or mostly warriors. Extra cards likeBlu Eyes, Summon Skull, and Kaiser the Sea Horse, are pretty useless to a warrior deck. Try running 3 copies of Marauding Captain, as well as Command Knight. Then power up ur deck with simple, but strong warriors such as Dark Blades, Gilford the Lightnings, and Silent Swordsmans. Then add 2-3 copies of the A Forces and powerful equips such a Axe of Despair to powerup ur warriors even more. Lastly add 2 copies of Royal Decrees, so ur opponents cant do anything to stop ur ultimate attack forces.

  2. First of all some of the cards you have such as chaos sorcerer are forbidden and secondly there are way too many cards in your deck, you should limit your deck to only 40 cards.

    Most professionals only have up to 42 cards because of strategies but don't forget that fusion cards don't count

  3. so this is a warrior deck.... all monster that are NOT warrior does not belong in warrior deck.  I have yet to find any monster that is not warrior compatible with warriors(besides magician of faith, which is now banned)

    it seems like a equip based deck, so here is a few "limits"

    deck size: 40-42

    monster size:15-20

    magic size:12-18

    trap size: 5-10

    traps that you should use

    torrential triburte

    sakuretsu armor

    magic cylinder

    mirror force

    solumn judgement

    any additional trap add as u have room, but attack stoppers only(so u can rake up field) besides possibly summon stoppers/destroycution cards


    2 mage power

    1 united we stand

    1 axe

    2 fusion sword masuru blade

    magics that u should have:

    monster reborn

    premature burial

    3 the A forces

    lighting vortex

    heavy storm

    cards that are fine:

    additional said equips,


    swords of revealing light

    brain control

    E Con

    reinfocement of A

    war returning alive


    3 marauding coptain

    3 command knight

    1-3 ninja the grandmaster sasuke

    1-3 mazatite the zipper(even if it's big, ur opponent can't take this)

    0-2 E hero wildheart(immune to trap)

    1-2 swift gaia

    1 gearford the lengend

    0-2 total defence shogun

    1-2 fred the matchless general

    1 DD warior lady

    1-2 DD assain

    1-3 exiled force

    total of above: 14-27(so some u use more, others less, and it'd work out just fine)

    Note: consider using sanji and irou of SS

    DD warior=not worth it

    DD savivor in side deck might help, in case of facing a DD deck

    Comment: ur current deck is beatdownish, but not small enough to be fast enough to get enough creatures on field to slaughter before ur opponent can help it.

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