
Rate My Zombie Return Deck Yugioh?

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I haven't been able to find any help or any types of decks like this

at all. I am mixing a zombie deck and a bazoo kind of deck. Can you

please help me with this deck, I want to go to tournaments soon, and I


bored with just a zombie deck.

Monsters: 22

1x Dark Nephthys

2x Dimensional Alchemist

3x Bazoo The Soul-Eater

2x Exiled Force

3x Pyramid Turtle

3x Zombie Master

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Vampire Curse

2x Regenerating Mummy

2x Ryu Kokki

1x Sangan

Magics: 13

1x Enemy Controller

3x Book Of Life

1x Heavy Storm

1x Shrink

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Beginning of the End

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Swords of Revealing Light

2x D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

Traps: 4

2x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Return From The Different Dimension




  1. Throw in some pyramid turtle's let your oponent destroy them so you can special sommon Ryu Kokki to the field

  2. ive neva seen so many homies as that. keep on building rep dogggggg.


  3. Overall I would probably give it a 7/10. I run a warrior toolbox myself but my best friend and dueling partner runs a similair zombie deck. A few suggestions I would probably give you is to add some of the obvious, call of the mummy, vampire lord(i realize that u want ur monsters to stay in the graveyard to remove from play, but I consider this a zombie staple regardless), mirror force, and cyber dragon(s). I like where your going with the Bazoo's, helping fodder your out of play while doubling as a nice potentially 2500atk beat stick. If possible you should get shield crush > nobleman. Also 1 card that concern me  is swords of revieling light,Swords puts u at -1 ALWAYS,  not very reliable in terms of card economics. Another thing I would mention have you considered adding DD Warrior Lady or D.D. Assailant? I realize that they could appear out of place with zombies but with all your out of play retrieval they seem like something useful. Another thing Ive found useful in running a zombie deck is throwing in a giant rat/neo spacian grand mole, giant rat helps get a pyramid turtle or if its there last monster attacking even possibly an exiled force, or neo spacian grand mole if u add it. Neo spacian is good for zombies because u can special summon via call of the mummy, then summon neo spacial grand mole and return both cards and hit them directly with something as potentially damaging as a 2400 atk ryu kokki

  4. Why is it that fight after the ban i have seen 4-5 return decks on here. I would give up on the idea, seeing as return is at one, and fusion is banned. Any way zombies can return form

    the grave, why remove them from play?

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