
Rate and help my zombie deck plz?

by  |  earlier

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1x Despair from the dark

1x cyber dragon

2x giant axe mummy

3x pyramid turtle

1x sangan

2x royal keeper

3xryu kokki

1x man eater bug

1x cyber jar

2x poioson mummy

1x tyrant dragon

1x magician of faith

1x soul-absorbing bone tower


3x book of life

3x call of mummy

1x axe of despair

1x heavy storm

1x giant turnade

1x graceful charity


2x tutan mask

1x magical cyinder

1x ordeal of the traveler

1x sakuretsu armor

1x raigeki break

1x compulsory evacuation device

1x shadow spell

1x torrential tribute

1x draining shield

side deck:14

monsters :5

2x regenerating mummy

1x giant axe mummy

1x poison mummy

1x castle of dark illusions


1x pot of greed

1x monster reincarnation

1x wicked-breaking flamberge-baou\

traps :6

1x gravity bind

1x magic jammer

1x spell shield type 8

1x a hero emerges

1x staunch defender

1x counter counter




  1. First off, check with the forbidden list on

    If you are trying to make a traditional deck, just put raigeki and harpie's feather duster and other stuff in, I'm not going to make any more suggestions for traditional style because the cards are so broken.

    Graceful Charity, Pot of greed, magician of faith, cyber jar are banned in the advanced format.

    I'll only give you recommendations for advanced format.

    I'll rate your deck 0/10 because it's illegal in advanced format. Even if you did take out the banned cards, I would rate your deck 1/10.

    Monsters (14):

    2 Cyber Dragons

    2 ryu Kokki

    3 Pyramid Turtle

    3 Zombie Master

    2 Goblin Zombie

    1 Sangan

    1 Spirit Reaper

    Spells (12):

    3 card of safe return

    3 book of life

    1 heavy storm

    1 mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Lightning Vortex

    Traps (2):

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    Keep in mind that this is only supposed to be the base of your deck, I have only listed 28 cards.  I would tell you to take a lot of cards out of your deck but listing the cards above would be easier to do.  Most of the common cards from boosters are pretty wasteful and not worth using. Despair from the dark is actually pretty decent, so I would accept that in the deck.

  2. i rate good

  3. Very nice; I think you'd benefit from getting a base card like Dark Sanctuary to help tie everything together. It'd help because you don't have any big-time-trump monster cards that are going to jump out and pwn your opponent's face. If you could acquire one of those I think you'd benefit. Best of luck! =D

  4. Hmm...I think its ok 5/5

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