
Rate bike riding being healthy from 1 to 10?

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How healthy is it and WHY? I ride my bike an hour a day.




  1. 10. It's really good exercise for your legs. It's good for your circulation. I think it's good cardiovascular. It's good to keep you in shape. You feel good when you've finished a ride--like you've accomplished something. You can feel how you are in better shape when you have been riding for awhile-- meaning as a regular part of your exercise routine. It is just good overall exercise.

  2. 10 out of 10. bike riding is very healthy and easy on your body. there is no impact on your joints like there would be from jogging. if you  want to get more healthy then you need to exercise and riding a bike is a great way to do so.

  3. 11

    It's good for your heart, endurance, strength, and its easy on your knees.

  4. 9 for sure.    You still need to lift weights for your upper body and lower back IMHO.    

    Biking is great because it pumps your lungs, works your heart, and clears your mind..

  5. i ride mine about 5 hours a day and if its not healthy then it couldnt be bad. I think its kinda good for your legs shifting gears

  6. I can give it a 9 or a 10.

    Swimming is supposed to use the most muscles of your body, so in that sense, swimming would be a 10.

    But cycling gives you similar benefits.  As has been said, it's a low-impact workout.  It's infinitely variable.  You can ride at a steady pace.  You can do sprints.  You can do hills.  You can ride off-road, which requires a different style, thereby working out different muscle groups.  You can make it as easy or as hard as you want or need on a given day.

    It's an activity that can be done your whole life.

    It can be done individually or socially.  You can talk to a friend on a ride.  You can pound your friend into the ground (okay, that sounds mean, but it's a competitive thing.  The next day, your friend might do the same to you.)

    You're out in the weather.  Maybe sunshine, maybe clouds, maybe rain.  You're breathing moving air.

    And, if nothing else, you're not just sitting.  You're not eating just because you feel like it.  You are up and moving.

    And it's just fun.  A happy mind in a happy body.  It beats therapy at $150 and hour.  You ride an hour a day?  Sweet.  Figure you've saved yourself over a thousand dollars a week.  Don't you feel just radiant?

    Yes, I love cycling.  Yes, it's healthy.

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