
Rate/discuss my elemental hero deck?

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elemental hero:


neos alius







2 x Wildheart




flare scarab

dark panther

aqua dolphin

glow moss

chrysalis dolphin


winged kuriboh

winged kuriboh lvl 10


edge hammer

a hero emerges

hero barrier

hero spirit

negate attack

call of the haunted

change of hero-reflector ray

draining shield


neo space

cyclone boomerang

fake hero


light laser

dark factory of mass production

transcendent wings

instant neo space

h-heated heart

e-emergency call

r-righteous justice


hero flash


lightning vortex

monster reincarnation

the warrior returning alive

spark blaster

fusion gate



elemental hero:

flare neos

aqua neos


steam healer

necroid shaman

wild wingman

thank you 4 ur answer :)




  1. very good best ehro deck ever a guy had a e hero deck and had 21 fusions so thats good u dont


    light and dark hexcealed fusion its the best have a look on google

    the light hex-sealed fusion

    the dark hex-sealed fusion

    it would be the deck it gets 8.5 from me

    with me chages 10

  2. Terrible just terrible. Not the cards its the format. Too many stuff inside. Throw all your Neo spacian and Neos. Put 3 King of the swamp and fusion recovery. Alot of Mericle Fusion. Light Hex and Dark Hex cannot fusion for Hero.

  3. okay, it looks like you just based your deck off Jaden Yuki's. I think you should just stick to the Neos theme, if anything, or the Evil Hero theme. JADEN IS JUST A MARKETING SCHEME. He ran at least 5 types of decks and used tons of cards that don't fit the theme. Plus there are going to be some new rules released when Duelist Genesis is released:

    1. Psychic becomes a monster type. From what I heard, it focuses on paying Life Points to gain special effects, then using other effects to gain those points back.

    2. Tuner becomes a new subtype. It can be a subtype (like Toon, Spirit, etc.) for both effect monsters and normal monsters.

    3. Synchro becomes a new "tier" for monsters, like Normal, Effect, Ritual, and Fusion. There also is a new type of Special Summon for them, called Synchro Summon. It works a lot like a Ritual Summon, but with no Ritual card and a few other exceptions. Search the internet or look in the new rulebook when the new Starter deck is released.

    4. The sidedeck can now have UP TO 15 cards in it.

    5. Synchro monsters are now in the Fusion deck along with the Fusion monsters. Because of this, the Fusion deck is now called the Extra deck.

    6. THE REAL KILLER! I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP: The Extra deck can only have up to 15 cards.

    7. The deck can only have 40 - 60 cards in it.

    This is what I heard, and Elemental Hero decks probably won't be good or won't exist after those rules.

    As for your deck now, I'll rate it 2/10. The only way Jaden wins almost all the time is because the company that makes Yugioh GX stacks his deck for him. Ever notice that they rarely ever shuffle? (or at least I don't see them shuffle) If you do stay with Elemental Heros, add more fusions, get rid of Neos, his fusions, and Neo Spacians, get rid of Winged Kuribohs, get rid of Light Laser, get at least 2 of each Elemental Hero you are fusing, 3 for the most common fusion material, and get 2 or 3 Elemental Hero Prisma or 2 or 3 Hero Masks (they kinda do the same thing, but there are some noticeable differences). Also get Miracle Fusion and get rid of cards that require one specific hero. Try using Fifth Hope and Reinforcement of the Army. Just experiment with different cards and different amounts. I hope I helped.

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