
Rate/fix 1-10?

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X2 horus lv 8

X2 horus lv 6

X2 horus lv 4

X1 horus servent

X2 caius the shadow monarch

X1 zaborg the thunder monarch

X2 cyber dragon

X1 morphing jar

X1 marshmallon

X1 spirit reaper

X1 snipe hunter

X1 treeborn frog


X3 level up

X2 the graveyard inthe foruth demmension

X2 level down

X2 enemy controller

X2 soul exchange

X1 swords

X1 heavy

X1 mst

X2 reasoning


X3 solmn judgment

X3 phenix wind blast

X1 t.t

X2 sak armor

X1 mirror force




  1. Interesting build. I don't think that I've ever seen a Monarch cross Horus build. Currently 6.5/10.


    -  1x Horus Servant

    -  1x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

    + 1x Caius the Shadow Monarch

    + 1x Jinzo


    -  2x Reasoning (If you hit monarch you don't get their effect)

    -  2x Enemy Controller

    -  2x Level Down (Totally pointless)

    -  2x The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension

    -  1x Swords of Revealing Light

    + 3x Level Modulation

    + 2x Foolish Burial (Treeborn or Horus LV8 for Level mod.)

    + 1x Brain Control

    Sorry if this confused you..... This is your new deck with these changes.......

    Monster - 17

    2x Horus, the Black Flame Dragon LV8

    2x Horus, the Black Flame Dragon LV6

    2x Horus, the Black Flame Dragon LV4

    3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

    1x Jinzo

    2x Cyber Dragon

    1x Morphing Jar

    1x Marshmallon

    1x Spirit Reaper

    1x Snipe Hunter

    1x Treeborn Frog

    Spells - 13

    3x Level Up!

    3x Level Modulation

    2x Foolish Burial

    1x Brain Control

    2x Soul Exchange

    1x Heavy Storm

    1x Mystical Space Typhoon


    3x Solemn Judgment

    3x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

    1x Torrential Tribute

    2x Sakuretsu Armor

    1x Mirro Force

    This deck is much better than the one that you had. If you are able to get these cards then your deck will be way better. Instead of cards that add LV monster back to your hand or deck, they know go straigh onto the field meaning no time waste waiting to draw them again. Also your useless cards like reasoning are out. Yeah it would be good if you draw into Jinzo or Horus LV6 but the chances are very small.

    New rating 8.5/10.

  2. have a jinzo in your side so you can make a fuller lock. Otherwise good job.

  3. i agree with max power, but also, would you b willing to get rid of your solemn judgments? just one? email me i can trade for one. thanx

  4. nice build 9 out of 10and yes i am the one with the dad mat with my dark armed deck
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