
Rate/fix My Chain Strike Burn Deck?

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O'k i started building this today and this is what i ended up with anyway any fix's would be appreciated. here it is:


x1 Sangan

x1 Exiled Force

x3 Mecha Dog Marron

x1 morphing jar


x1 chain strike

x3 Poison of the Old Man

x3 Tremendous Fire

x1 Swords of Revealing light

x3 Meteor of Destruction

TRAPS [23]

x2 Dimension Wall

x2 Accumulated Fortune

x3 Jar of Greed

x1 Ojama Trio

x3 Secret Barrel

x1 torrential Tribute

x1 Gravity bind

x2 Reckless Greed

x3 Just Desserts

x1 Magic Cylinder

x1 Sakuretsu Armor

x3 Threatening Roar




  1. Yeah, you'd get very badly destroyed by Royal Decrees and Jinzos. These are the changes i'd make for a burn deck:

    -2 Reckless greed

    -3 Jar of Greed

    -2 Accumulated Fortune

    -2 Threatening Roar

    +3 Solar Flare Dragon

    +3 Stealth Bird

    +3 Dark Room of Nightmare

    These are the reasons i've made the changes:

    Reckless Greed: It's a card that is good in numbers, however the chances of getting both of them is small, and you aren't allowed a third.

    Jar of Greed: Only good for thinning the deck. It's effect is practically "conduct your draw phase in your opponent's turn."

    Accumulated Fortune: Very Rarely does a large chain come up, and even if you make one with your own traps you may probably will not have the card when you need it.

    Threatening Roar: I see the point in having it here: to make up for the monsters not being there. now i've added the ones to come, you shpouldn't need more than one

    Solar Flare Dragon: The king of burn. does 500 points of damage to your opponent in your end phase, and if you have more than one, your opponent can not attack either of them

    Stealth Bird: If Solar Flare if the King of Burn, Stealth Bird is the queen; although it does not have the protective features of the solar flare it flips to do 1000 damage and it can flip itself back down. when protected by Gravity Bind etc. it can deal lots of damage very quickly.

    Dark Room of Nightmare: If you're gonna burn, you've gotta rub it in. Whenever damage is done by an effect to your opponent, it does 300 more.

    With these additions you have a very dangerous deck, one that could see you tournament finals

  2. your dck is perfect. all you need is more monsters

  3. I rate it as a waste of time

  4. Don't listen to the other guy.  Although his advice is sound, he is going for a regular burn deck while you are aiming for a Chain Burn strategy which is very different.  I do agree with one thing though, you do need a bit more monsters.  You should add 2 or 3 Stealth Bird.  That would be my only addition to your deck as the rest of it looks great.  My main concern though would be that you would be absolutely dominated by Decree, Jinzo, Prime Material Dragon, and/or Des Wombat.  So I think you should maybe add some Messenger of Peace or Level Limit Area B.  Also create a side deck to combat against Jinzo and Decree.  It should have Solemn Judgments, Dark Bribe's, Lightning Vortex's, Smashing Ground, Fissure, Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, Dust Tornado, and so on.

  5. Hi there. This is gonna sound very noobish but i've never understood the concept of chain decks? I'm reli no noob but i honestly have never taken the time to look at all the cards that surround them and c how there strategy works. I kno it's a burn varient but can some1 explain it to me.

    Also you'd better hope jinzo or decree never jits the field or more than half your deck becomes useless dude. You'd need to overcome that problem as specially with how much jinzo gets played within the dark meta.

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