
Rate/fix my budget lightsworn deck?

by  |  earlier

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so i decided to keep my DaD deck............... so doing that im on a budget, here is my budget lightsworn deck.


Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x3

Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x3

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner x2

Honest x2

Ehren, Lightsworn Monk

Necro Gardna x3


Celestia, Lightsworn Angel x3

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin x3

Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior x2

Morphing Jar

Card Trooper

Judgment Dragon


Solar Recharge x3

Cold Wave x2

Monster Reborn

Monster Reincarnation x2

Pot of Avarice x2

Heavy Storm

Reinforcements of the Army

Brain Control

Foolish Burial

Premature Burial


Solemn Judgment x2

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Trap Dustshoot




  1. well, i have had a better time thinking about it now... i think :-)

    drop sangan (slow) and the necro gardna's. replace with cyber dragon and/or guardian of order. max on cold wave and foolish burial.

    Then this probably sound craZY but, u should also drop all of your traps and just use x3 beckoning light

                                             x3 threatening roar

    but if u like some traps to stay just replace the monster reincarnations with beckoning lights. u can keep the mirror force cos u had 7 traps already. its up to you.

    Hope i helped a bit more this time :-) Do u have dmoc for trade?

  2. Two guys ahead of me have no idea what they are talking about. Keep the necro gardna, the card trooper, but i think you should take out morphing jar.

    @you guys- necro gardna may not be a necessity in this deck but since you mill so much there is a chance you can put necro gardna in the graveyard. later on you can use its effect from the graveyard to negate an attack. card trooper is great in this deck since you mill with it, and you get an ATK boost. the point of this deck is to swarm by filling the graveyard, using the monster's effects on the field, then summoning Judgment Dragon when you have enough lightsworns in your graveyard...

    Take out the Pot of Avarices, when you get more judgment dragons add in one more monster reincarnation. the rest of fine but you might want to lessen the atrap cards a bit

  3. well for starters, you want cards in the grave so drop one avarice. keep the other for emergency. ditch morphing jar, and card trooper, you will run your deck to fast. get rid of necro's, they don't suit the deck. if you can, two more judgment... sangan???   in a light deck???  lose the bottomlesses and the dutshoot for 3 glorious illusions. cold waves go for lightning and another reincarnation. you don't manna lose judgment since you only have one.

    i used to run lightsworn and i owned the locals

    good luck

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