
Rate/fix my new dark armed dragon deck?

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monsters: 21

x3 dark armed dragon

x2 jinzo

x2 d-hero dasher

x2 d-hero fear monger

x2 armageddon knight

x1 d-hero disk commander

x1 darklord zerato

x1 dark magician of chaos

x1 e-hero stratos

x1 strike ninja

x1 prometheus

x1 card trooper

x1 sangan

x1 snipe hunter

x1 spirit reaper

spells: 13

x3 destiny draw

x2 reinforcement of the army

x2 allure of darkness

x1 monster reborn

x1 premature burial

x1 heavy storm

x1 mystical space typhoon

x1 lightning vortex

x1 ddr

traps: 6

x2 escape from the dark dimension

x1 trap dustshoot

x1 torrential tribute

x1 mirror force

x1 return from the different dimension

side: 15

x2 cyber dragon

x2 dd crow

x2 royal decree

x2 malevolent catastrophe

x1 ddr

x1 darklord zerato

x1 crush card virus

x1 scapegoat

x1 escape from the dark dimension

x1 mind crush

x1 night assailant

i'm not sure about the side deck so give me some suggestions for it. and don't answer if you're not going to help




  1. try light imprisoning mirror and deck devastation virus needle ceiling to stop lightsworn six samurai and gadget decks

    ive stop those decks with my dad deck

    check out my deck now

  2. maybe more destiny heroes


  3. +2 limit reverse (reaper,disc, card trooper,sangan etc.)

    + 1 d.d.r

    - 1 jinzo



    3 light imprisoning mirror

    1 ddv

  4. @ najee, no, it won't, b/c it targeted reaper in the grave, and since you cant dest. something in the grave, it's safe, and the rest of it's effect is nontargetting

    okay, we're gonna do some de-side boarding here, and then we're gonna junk the side, and re-do it, 'kay?

    drop from the main:

    2 armageddon

    2 escape (replace them with 2 light and darkness since you don't already have them)

    1 mst

    1 mirror

    1 snipe (replace him with a d. grepher since you don't already have 1)

    add from side:

    2 crow

    1 crush

    1 crush

    now we re-do the side:

    2 protector of the sanctuary

    2 kinetic soldier

    2 dw lightning

    2 silva

    1 m jar

    1 mirror

    3 L imp

    2 twister

    okay, how this will affect your deck:

    dark armed have officially reverted into a PC LaDD teching in DaDs and a lot of the core DaR stuff, and that's groovy, i like it, and it wins

    the side is just badass, it rolls against anything, and adds a fun bit of, break your set hoplomus, special my can-attack-over-your-laquari-sillva, and sillvas work wonders if your oppoennt runs jar, and if not, you run jar in your side, so that's all fun, and protector of the sanc. stops them in their tracks, and your jar will make them discard and THEY CAN'T DRAW!

    while i would like a more anti-GB oriented side, i decided to -3 L imp and +2 black horn of heaven, +1 jinzo, since LS really aren't as big of a deal as i thot since i was testing against them today and somehow went 10-0 compared to my usual 10-4, but anyway, **** the GBs, you're siding against them, and bhoh can really hurt everything right now, too, and jinzo is anti- S imp, since the imp. mirrors can't do jack about continuous effects

  5. limit reverse, light-imprisoning mirror, dark grepher

  6. limit might destroy reaper, but it is stil very importnat for the deck.

  7. its ok

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