
Rate/fix my yugioh deck-Gadgets?

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Monsters: 15

2 Green Gadget

2 Red Gadget

2 Yellow Gadget

3 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo

2 Banisher of the Radiance

2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

1 Snipe Hunter

Spells: 14

3 Shrink

2 Book of Moon

3 Enemy Controller

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Hammer Shot

1 Smashing Ground

1 Fissure

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

Traps: 13

3 Royal Oppression

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

3 Solemn Judgment

2 Dimensional Prison

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force




  1. Y is every1s advice so c**p l8ly???? y would any1 ever ever ever suggest removing torrential tribute???

    OK well heres what i would suggest. and the reasons.

    Banisher should go. Your stopin all possible special summoning from the grave anyways so theres no need and the same aplies to kykoo.

    Dimensional prisons are also very over-rated.

    Unfortunately i have no suggestions for what to replace your lost monsters with though....... Not great advice myself i´m afraid. What i will say is these decks can work very very well so it is a deck worth persuing. Hope this has helped though it probz hasn´t. Sam

  2. - 1 e-con

    + 1 hammer shot

  3. Great deck, but I would add a sakuretsu, and a riryoku. I would also take out a shrink and an enemy controller. Also add a cyber dragon, it can be summoned easily and has a good attack.

  4. I would suggest united we stand(u r pooling monsters), cyber dragon(machine, works well with gadget) and limiter removal(charge!!!)

    consider double summon/ultimate offering + reborn cards for even more pulling power

    not sure if removal is good for ya.... u don't have any cards that really works with it... only removal but no "using" is not useful in my mind, at least add DD dynimte if u wanna keep....

    shrink, book, e con, too many disabling... if your opponent have monsters that is immune to magic or use the power of magic cards, they might back fire..... consider adding rush recklessly etc to be able to increase urs.

    consider "by order of the empoer" not only do u negate their  most powerful effects, u also get to draw for free if u have no appropriate gadget in deck(they are summoning abilties)

  5. Thanks for taking my advice. Everyone ahead of me is totally wrong sadly. You'll need ECONS and Shrinks of course. You dont want Limiter since you don't want to destroy your own monsters. I might even side Torrential tribute. REmember point of gadgets is to protect/no special summmoing/ and annoy with monster advantage. If you take out torrential i recommend putting in 1 dd crow or a sangan. you dont have to take out torrential its just my preference. DONT ADD CYBER DRAGON, its a special summon, if you have it late game its c**p

    @ everyone who answered before me. this deck was used by a duelist top 16 at sjc philly.

    i guess i can't really rate this since well its basically a copy, but a great copy lol.  good luck!!!

  6. did u make a d.d deck and a gadget deck for the tournament coz i would use 1 of them great deck 9/10

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