
Rate/fix my zombie earth combo deck?

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Tributes: 3

3 Ryu Kokki

Monsters: 19

2 Chainsaw Insect

3 Gigantes

2 Hyper Hammerhead

1 Snipe Hunter

3 Giant Rat

3 Pyramid Turtle

2 Exiled Force

1 Morphing Jar

1 Injection Fairy Lily

1 Spirit Reaper

Spells: 12

3 Book of Life

3 Creature Swap

1 Heavy Storm

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Monster Reborn


1 Premature Burial

1 Smashing Ground

Traps: 7

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Dust Tornado

2 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Torential Tribute

This deck not only has the same swarming ability Zombies are known for, but it expands on it with the addition of Gigantes. Gigantes is a 1900 beatstick that can easily be Special Summoned thanks to the abundance of EARTH monsters in the deck, as well as having a built in Heavy Storm effect. The anount of recruiters in this deck offers plenty of targets for Creature Swap, and even offers more ways to swarm the field with plenty of options, like IFL, Hyper Hammerhead, Exiled Force, Pyramid Turtle or Giant Rat, whatever the situations demands. In fact, except for Snipe Hunter, a great monster in itself, every monster in this deck can be either Special Summoned, or be used to Special Summon somthing else, which gives you constant field presence.

Not only that, with most of the recriutment happening from the deck insted of using up cards in your hand, it gives you deck thinning in order to reach trump cards like Lightning Vortex, Torrential Tribute, Heavy Storm faster, or any of the other utility cards that you might need. With 3 Book of Life, Monster Reborn, and Premature Burial, you can easily keep up the pressure with plenty of monster on the field, and with Snpie Hunter, you have the Great Equalizer. It helps gets rid of major threats, dump cards from your hand that you might want or need in the Graveyard like Ryu Kokki or an EARTH monster to feed Gigantes, or to use Premture Burial, Book of Life or Monster Reborn to pile on the pressure. And Morphing Jar is the replacement to CoSR, as well as being an EARTH monster to again feed Gigantes.

Now the only protestable card might be the addition of 2 Chainsaw Insect. Most of us don't want to give up a free draw in order to attack, but since Dark Bribe does the same thing in order to negate a Spell or Trap, I don't see the problem with Chainsaw Insect. You really can't beat a 2400 attacker that doesn't need a Tribute. Regardless of that minor drawback, in a late game scenario, this card is strong enough to break through most defensive walls to finish an opponent off. And, of course, its an EARTH type, which offers another card for Gigantes to feed off of. If your not comfortable with Chainsaw, the open two slots can be filled with all sorts of different monsters or Spells/Traps. A Crush Card Virus with a Sangan or Plague Wolf could be good. An addition of 2 Gene Warped Warwolf or 2 Cyber Dragon can add extra muscle, with Warwolf helping out Gigantes' Special Summoning due to it's EARTH. Attribute. Neo-Spacian Grand Mole or Elemental Hero Wildheart can be used effectively here thanks to Giant Rat. Even 2 Goblin Zombie or 2 Zombie Master could be added if your more comfortable having them. I prefer Chainsaw Insect myself for its very strong ATK and it's an unexpected move to do, especially late game. Like I mentioned earlier, being predictable can be a game-killer.

Now I leave the Side Deck options to you since everyone's has a different playstyle. But I do want to comment on what's being Side Decked now. Since DaD is now the premiere deck being run, almost every Side Deck is being built to counter it. Lightning Vortex, Shadow Imprisoning Mirror, Magic Drain, Divine Wrath, D.D. Crow are all being seen in abundance. Many of these cards will disrupt a "standard" Zombie Deck as much as a DaD Deck. But with this deck, it give you more than one option to continue to put the pressure on your opponent, even if he is able to negate one of your moves. Plus, since the core Zombie swarm engine is already in the build, it can be customized for game 2 into a "standard" Zombie Build, or the EARTH swarm/toolbox engine can be expanded on. A variety of creative options can be utilized. Your not locked down to an already seen patern of cards which most duelists will expect and will already have the Side Deck options to counter them.

Even without CoSR, Zombie Master, Goblin Zombie, and Il Blud, I was still able to create an effective Zombie build that can stand toe-to-toe with other Top Tier decks, and provide some very unique moves that any oppnent won't be expecting from a standard, predictable build. It can be done. With many top decks, the main problem they run into is their predicability. If everyone is running the same thing, everyone will run the same counters. So this is the perfect environment to run an effective alternate, to run what's not expected. Don't be afraid to go outside the box. There is some good gained when you follow the pack, but eventually, you have to blaze your own trail and stand out. Try the unexpected, the unpredictable, the oddball. You actually might be on to something. I'll write again soon with another top decktype and add my unique spin on it.




  1. Um.. No... This build is not very effective. The normal zombie build is much much better then this. If you want to add Earths to it you are better off adding Green Baboon defender of the forest and Nimbles with the rats and possibly Ryko lightsworn hunter. As is I give it 4 out of 10. This is hardly a zombie deck

  2. 8/10

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