
Rate me. 1-10 read detail?

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not fishing for compliments. Criticism welcome...but please don't be rude about it.

here's me::





  1. You&#039;re a cute little girl, but I would not post pics of myself on here, lots of crazed people on the net.  

  2. Cute.  Probably a 5... but with potential.

    You look young.  Like 13-14.  So you have a lot of changing coming up.  You may be too young for this advice, but things to consider as you get a bit older:

    Pluck your eyebrows.  Not down to thin little lines.  Leave the center as they are, but create more of an arch and taper them toward the ends.  It will open your eyes more and give you more of a &quot;polished&quot; look.

    Lighten your hair a bit, or get highlights.  That hair weighs you down.

    Play with makeup.  Stay away from the dark eyeliner.

    You&#039;re a cute girl.  You&#039;ll only get better as you get a bit older!

  3. you&#039;re cute 7/10 you are ready for the school

  4. You are cute.  

  5. Gorgeous. You are beautiful. Don&#039;t listen to these people giving you low ratings!!!

    You are what you THINK.

  6. 6

    how old are you

  7. 5.5/10

  8. hmm.. 6. you&#039;re cute and still young

  9. youre cute, &amp; you&#039;ll probably be beautiful when you grow older


  10. 3

  11. awh your so pretty


    help me?;... thanks have a good day!

  12. you&#039;re cute... look really young.

    and i love the posters on your wall!

  13. ugh 5 but could be prettier

  14. by the looks of it you like the jonas brothers!who doesnt?u look cute

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