
Rate me in skating please!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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I can :

Ollie,Casper,Primo, 90degree frontside ollie, manual, nose manual, ALMOST a kickflip!! (grr) Uhh. rock to fakie, rock and roll, i can do cave mans off buildings, i can do no comply. fakie no comply, indy grab, fakie cave man shuv it




  1. pretty good caz i can't skateboard that much yet!

  2. really really S****y

  3. depends how long u have been skating if a couple of months then great!i've been skating for a little less than a year an i could ollie up over three boards primo, ollie grab, 180 ollie fs&bs, shuv-it, 360 shuv-it, kick&heel flip,tre-flip, casper, hospital flip, nose/ manual, 50-50, 5-0, board slide, nose slide , and tail slide. i think that's it.

    and 4 kickflips try landing them up side down first if u can do that all u have to do is give it a harder flick. that's what i did 4 kick and heel flips. learnd both in less than a month along with some other tricks.

  4. 1000000000000000000000000 out of 10. nice job allstar

  5. To me your awesome because all I can do is kickflip,ollie, and turn, lol not that good but I am learning.

  6. really good for starters just kepp workin

  7. on a scale of 1-99999999999999999999999999999999999999...

    you rate a 3.14169845

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