
Rate my Six samurai deck

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2 Grandmaster of six samurai

2 Great shogun shien

2 Enishi Shien's chancellor

3 The six samurai- Zanji

3 The six samurai- Irou

2 The six samurai-Nisashi

2 the six samurai- Yaichi

1 the six samurai- Kamon

1 the six samurai- Yariza

2 cyber dragon

Spells and traps

2 Sheins castle of mist

2 double summon

2 Reinforcments of the army

1 lightning vortex

1 monster reborn

1 cunning of the six samurai

2 return of the six samurai

2 swift strike armour

1 Double edge sword technique

1 Swift samurai storm

2 Six samurai united

1 heavy storm

1 Premature burial

2 sakuretzu armour

1 mirror force

1 torrental tribute

2 solomen judgement

1 brain control

2 phoenix wing wind blast

1 mysthical space typhoon

1 legendary ebon steed

2 breakthrough




  1. poopy butt

  2. 3 Grandmasters

    2 Shogun

    1 Enishi

    3 Zanji

    3 Irou

    2 Yaichi

    1 Kamon

    2 Cyber Dragons (opitonal)

    2 Spirit of the Six Samurai

    1 Exild Force and/or D.D. Warrior Lady

    3 Reasonings

    2 ROTA

    3 Six Samuari Unite

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 MST

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    2 Cunnings

    1 Mirror Force

    2 Solemn

    1 Torrential

    2 PWWB

    and if Im missing anything ,just fill in the blanks. You have a good deck, but without Reasoings, your deck losses speed.

  3. you should take out the cyber dragons but other than that i would give u a 5.7 out of ten

  4. ok but you should get some trap and madgic cards in case the opponet takes down your samuaris and i would give your deck 7/10 if you revised it but as of now i would give an 6/10

  5. 3 The Six Samurai, Zanji

    3 The Six Samurai, Irou

    3 The Six Samurai, Yaichi

    3 Grandmaster of The Six Samurai

    3 Great Shogun Shien

    2 Cyber Dragon

    1 The Six Samurai, Kamon (18)

    3 Reasoning

    2 Six Samurai United

    2 Reinforcements Of The Army

    2 My Body As A Shield

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Giant Trunade

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Nobleman Of Crossout

    1 Premature Burial (15)

    3 Solemn Judgment

    3 Dark Bribe

    1 Mirror Force (7)

    3 Pulling The Rug

    3 Threatening Roar

    3 Kinetic Soldier

    2 Book of Moon

    2 DD Crow

    2 The Six Samurai, Kamon (15)

    Use this deck

    its the only way to go with six samurai

    use but please don't net deck



  6. well, i think it is like 6/10, take out the cyber dragons, they will sorta mess up the theme. also, i think you should put 2 more cunning for OTK, you can use cunning in battle phase on a  monster who attack already,destroy it and bring it back and attack again. thats how samurai otk work. um, i think you should also put in 1 more sak and light and darkness dragon for fun(really s***w with your opponents)and one backs to the wall(this is a last resort card for desperate measures, but it will save you 1/2 times

  7. I know 2 friends who had Six samurai decks and let me tell you it took me a while to beat them. Their decks were really good. Yours is alright.6/10

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