
Rate my Zombie Deck?

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Well i would like more experienced people to answer abut anything is good This is my MILL/spawn deck (it you gove a decklist keep it mill). Ill say some opening statements. I know i dont have il blud and mirror force. No solemn judgements and cyber dragons. And i know what a card trooper does. Rate it from 1-10


x3 Mezuki

x3 Zombie Master

x3 Soul Absorbing Bone Tower

x3 Pyramid Turtle

x1 Goblin Zombie

x1 Ryu Kokki

x1 Despair From The Dark

x1 Vampire Lord

x1 Morphing Jar

x1 Sangan

x1 Spirit Reaper


x3 Book of Life

x1 Lighting Vortex

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Nobleman of Crossout

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Card of Safe Return

x1 Hand Descuction

x1 Pot of Avarice

x1 Smashing Ground

x1 Giant Trunade

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Swords of revealing light


x1 Ceasefire

x1 Transmigration Propechy

x1 Dark Illusion

x1 Sakueratsu Armor

x1 Magic Cylinder

x1 Zoma the Spirit

x1 Draining Sheild

x1 Widespeard Ruin




  1. 8/10 its good but it need some work

  2. dude, you need at least 2 call of mummy, at least one more ryu kokki, and you should consider a tutan mask to protect your zombies. Overall, 7/10.

  3. since you don't want my advice I will just rate your deck.

    In its current state I give it a 6.5/10

  4. 3 Mezuki

    3 Zombie Master

    3 Soul Absorbing Bone Tower

    2 Goblin Zombie

    3 Needle Worms

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Ryu kokki

    3 Pryamid Turtle

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 MST

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Swords

    3 Card of Safe Return

    2 Allure

    1 Burial from the different Dimension

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    3 Book of Life

    3 Shallow Grave

    1 Card Destruction

    2 Limit Reverse

    This deck is all about mill. alot of ways to special summon and the limit reverse can get your bone tower back so you don't have to waste a Zombie master effect to get it. Also, I'm sure you have heard of the new structure deck Zombie World. We get it eventually but there is a field card called zombie world that every monster on the field and both players graveyard is considered zombies so you can special summon their disk commander and Dmoc and if they special summon a monster and since its considered a zombie, bone tower gets to use his mill effect. With COSR and all the special summoning, you will have quicker access to your needle worms and the Shallow graves to bring them back.
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