
Rate my bakugan set?

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Bakugan 24

red-laserman 450, drago 400, falconeer x2 250, 400

blue-centiploid 350, stinglash 450, reaper x2 both 250

brown-robotalian 300, reaper 400, sting lash 350

white-griffin x2 300, 350, tigrerrax2 300, 350, drago 250, fear ripper 400

black-falconeer 300, centiploid 450, gorem 300

green-drago 400, stinglash 400, delta drago 400,skyress 330


3 drago cards

2 serpenoid cards

constrictor cards

double battle

last chance

match points


9 normal cards

2 reaper cards

2robotalian cards

falconeer card

2 juggernoid

saurus card




  1. its pretty good heres what i recomend for a team

    red-laserman 450 drago 400 and falconeer 400

    use a drago card that gives the bakugan higher attack power for the red then use a falconneer card and then use a card thats good for red

  2. trade the juggernoid and the saurus cards and try to use ur strongest monsters and use stradegy (e.g use reversal when really need help)
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