if your are here just ot spam an answer that says yu gi oh sucks or this is a great deck 10/10 or something that is not constructive then i hope it is not too much to ask that you dont post because i will report you... if you are truely trying to help then thanks
22 monsters:
3 jinzo
3 caius teh shadow monarch
3 masked dragon
3 troop dragon
3 peten the dark clown (a less expensive and stronger, in DEF stats, version of destiny hero - malicious...)
1 mobious the frost monarch (it's like a mini jinzo)
1 neo spacian grand mole
1 marshmallon
1 spirit reaper
1 twinheaded behemoth
1 treeborn frog
1 des feral imp
13 spells:
3 pot of avarice
2 soul exchange
1 fissure
1 monster reborn
1 scapegoat
1 brain control
1 mystical space typhoon
1 heavy storm
1 smashing ground
1 shink
5 traps:
3 karma cut
1 trap dustshoot
1 torential tribute
side deck:
3 dd survivor
3 prohibition
2 lightning vortex
2 sakurestu armor
1 dust tornado
1 book of moon
1 nobelman of crossout
1 RftDD
1 dd worrior lady
the deck is almost a monarch deck except it lacks the 1 cyber dragon it needs... no need to say i'm following the sept 1 advanced format. in anycase for all those that know me, and the fact that i am very conservitive with my budget, this deck is why (only the jinzos and the caius... and it needs more work so i asking you all) anyway, it does nto need the touch of the perfect circle d draw combo since disc camander is going banned and no need for allures since there are only 3 darks i'm willing to remove for it's cost (probably 1 peten, 1 jinzo and 1 caius) at any rate, this deck is probably the only deck where allure is not needed yet i have enough dark monsters... the reason for so many serchers is because teh limiting of cyber dragon and because of that, most monarch decks are brobably going to die... teh karma cut is to discard peten and then use it's effect and usuaully i get more then just a peten in my hand so i can save up the petens for when my opponent is winning and i need a monster quick so i can summon the jinzo or caius i just karma cut them discard peten then summon the jinzo or caius. for all those that does not know what peten the dark clown do here is a full description of it:
peten teh dark clown / 3 star / 500 atk / 1200 def / dark / EPT-EN005 / [spellcaster/effect] / when this card is sent to your graveyard, you can remove this card form the graveyard to special summon 1 "peten the dark clown" form your hand or deck. / 52624755
with that in mind, it is like a mini malicious...some people say 3 pot of avarice is too much in this deck but i dis agree becaus it you do the math you are only supose to have a 1/13.33333... chance of drawing it and that rounds off to 1 in every 14 cards and that means it can most likely be drawn in the 5th card to the 9th draw (encluding the oppening hand) so if that is the case then i would probably have descarded many cards to teh grave with my serchers. the reason for useing masked dragon and troop dragon instead of giant rat and nimbos or mystic tomato and giant germ is because the monsters end up in atk position so it is a pain in the butt to use those if yo uhave not noticed masked dragon is position inspicific so you can special summon cards in deffence position. other then that its very simpel idea, summon caius or mobious or jinzo asap and at teh same time have an un passable lineup of monsters unless you have pearce effects, heard to deal dammage... btw the des feral imp is the card that returns the pot of avarice to the deck so i can reuse them... the idea is to never deck out!!! and check out it's 1600atk and 1800def... what a big monster for a flip effect so it kinda serves 3 purpose...1 returns pot of avarice to teh deck, 2 use as a wall against other players monsters and, 3 to bump into other player's monsters...