
Rate my cloudian deck?

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cloudian-nimbusman x2

cloudian-ghost fog x2



cloudian-smoke ball x2

cloudian-altus x2

cloudian-acid cloud x2

cloudian-sheep cloud x2

cloudian-storm dragon x2

cloudian-eye of the typhoon

nightmare penguin


zeradias, herald of heaven x2

cloudian-poison cloud


wave-motion cannon

cloudian squall x3

fog control

giant trunade

diamond-dust cyclone

swords of revealing light

brain control

mystical space typhoon

the sanctuary in the sky x3

summon cloud


compulsory evacuation device


rain storm

limit reverse

rainbow life

spirit barrier

magic cylinder

natural disaster

raging cloudian x2

ordeal of a traveler

sakuretsu armor

I didn't add lucky cloud because what are the chances I'm going to actualy use it. Please rate and comment on my deck. SPAMMERS AND FLAMMERS WILL BE REPORTED!




  1. Yea you listened to my instructions last time but your going to need to have to add 2 spirit barriers they'll help you out heaps and take out the rainstorm for it =]

  2. add umi and tornado wall...

    5 out of 10

  3. not to shabby

    i just dueled a Cloud Deck... not like this tho... the one i vs'd had a few less cards then this...

    anyways the only flaw in this deck would be Jinzo... he is the only one that would s***w up ur lil strategy in this deck

    but hey overall it is a good cloud deck

    i would add in another or maybe 2 Spirit Barier they are the best for Clouds...

    umm... this is buggin me... i noticed u have "Sanctuary in the Sky" that is one heck of a card, very rarely see those around, only once i dueled a person with a "Sanctuary in the Sky" type of deck, and oddly i lost to it...  never thought my Blue Eyes would get beat by Zeratos or no... forgot its name... it was quite an impressive deck tho

    anyways, great deck

    not alot of changes, just add in 2 more Spirit Barriers, another good thing would be to have 3 Giant Trunades, i just love that card, i always use it in a tournament, its the best to p**s off ur opponent, cuz they could have 4 or 5 cards down, and be holding 4 or 5 cards in there hand, so its just a big bonus to u cuz they would have to discard cards

    oh ya, Ordeal of Traveler, i havnt seen that card in a couple of years, but u have a few to many traps, some arent needed

    the only cards i dont see making any "important" usage in this deck is

    Ordeal of a Traveler

    Rain Storm

    Natural Disaster


    (i know they can help)

    but its better to have support cards like Spirit Barrier, Draining Shield, Sakuretsu

    or u can play some real hardcore ball by using 3 Compulsory Evacs, with 3 Bottomless Traps, and 3 Sakuretsu Armor, beleive me, its the best and cheapest, and for Clouds, it will help you out big tim, seriously

    oh, i noticed u dont have any monster that can stop Traps during battle, i wouldnt suggest Jinzo... he's good, but can s***w u up too

    maybe add in a Mirage Dragon, or a Pitch Black WarWolf(i would say Dragon, matches the deck more) or something else, i think there is another monster that is the same as Wolf and Mirage

    anyways great Cloud Deck, unique i have to say, good mix on the Clouds

    later bud

  4. Not a bad deck at all, but if you wanted to continue your burn you could try this. Have three turbulence and three shadow priestess of ohm. Everyturn you would be able to summon smoke balls multiple times from you deck or grave yard. You might even want to add a card of safe return.
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