if you steal my deck, i'll be flattered and admit you have alot of loose cash :p be wise to what you say... AS IF! all critism welcome (the deck, not yugioh in genral) tell if you steal!
dark armed dragon x3
strike ninja x1
promethius king of shadows x1
dark grefer x3
destiny hero malicious x2
destiny hero dasher x1
destiny hero disk camander x1
mask of darkness x1
d.d.crow x2
elemental hero stratos x1
card trooper x1
dark magician of chaos x1
snipe hunter x1
destiny draw x3
allure of darkness x2
reinforcement of the army x2
reborn the monster x1
premature burial x1
mystical space typhoon x1
heavy storm x1
book of moon x2
reckless greed x3
crush card virus x1
solemn judgement x3
limit reverse x2
my deck is fourty two cards, i don't like the # 41 and 40 is to small for what i've got :p