
Rate my deck pls. and tell me what to put in and what to get out instead. thanks. mixed deck btw.?

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ambulance rescueroid


bazoo the souleater

fusilier dragon the dual mode beast


elemental hero bladeage

neo spacian glow moss

neo spacian air hummingbird X2


neo aqua madoor

kycoo the ghost destroyer

ambulance rescueroid

kinetic soldier


exiled force

golden homunculus

dd warrior lady

dd assailant

dd warrior

destiny here defender

dimensional alchemist

caius the shadow monarch

chaosrider gustaph

night assailant

gren maju da eiza


brain control

monster reincarnation

mystical space typhoon X2

enemy controller

tribute to the doomed

lightning vortex

nobleman of crossout

heavy storm

dimensional fissure


ddr different dimension reincarnation

premature burial

vehicroid connection zone

soul release



return from the different dimension

karma cut

compulsory evacuation device

torrential tribute

sakuretsu armor X2

dust tornado

bottomless trap hole

magic cylinder

draining shield

its a mixed deck :)




  1. ( 5.7 out of 10 )

    There is to many different straddegies in your deck, and could do more halm to yourself than your opponent.Uh, with cards like that you should use a deck a bit like this bro.

    MONSTERS: 21

    x1 Mobius the Frost Monarch

    x1 Razia the Storm Monarch

    x1 Golden Homoculas

    x2 Helios- the Primordial Sun

    x3 Gran Maju Da Eiza

    x3 D.D.Survivor

    x1 D.D.Assailant

    x1 D.D.Warrior Lady

    x1 D.D.Warrior

    x1 D.D.Crow

    x1 A Cat of Ill Omen

    x1 Neo-Spacian Glow Moss

    x2 Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin

    x2 Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

    SPELLS: 15

    x2 Dimensional Fissure

    x2 DDR-Different Dimension Reincarnation

    x2 Soul Absortion

    x2 Reinforcements of the Army

    x1 Brain Control

    x1 Lightning Vortex

    x1 Tribute to the Doomed

    x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    x1 Smashing Ground

    x2 Magical Mallet

    TRAPS: 9

    x2 Machro Cosmos

    x2 Zoma the Spirit

    x1 Transmigration Break

    x1 Mirror Force

    x1 Dark Mirror Force

    x1 Magic Cylinder

    x1 Trap Jammer

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