
Rate my lightswarm deck?

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i dont have all the cards for the lightsworn build i want (namely 3 judgment dragons lol) and cant really be bothered to try get them ... if i can get another celestia and lyla then i would probs use them but here is my decklist for now

20x monster

3x lumina, LS summoner

3x wulf, LS beast

3x necro gardna

3x garoth, LS warrior

2x celestia, LS angel

2x lyla, Ls sorceress

2x ryko, LS hunter

1x sangan

1x morphing jar

12x spell

3x card of safe return

3x monster reincarnation

2x foolish burial

1x monster reborn

1x premature burial

1x heavy storm

1x mystical space typhoon

8x trap

3x glorious illusion

3x limit reverse

1x torrential tribute

1x mirror force

rate/fix please ... what could i take out to put in burial from a different dimension (wanna main it cos of necro gardna's although if it doesnt go in main it will def be in side lol)

any tips appreciated

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  1. Take out the card of safe returns. Add 3 Solar Recharge. Add Honest, Judgment Dragon, and a couple other I can't hink of right now.

    Take out Sangan and Morphing jar.

    Add Pot of Avarice

    If its truly a LIGHTSWORN deck...take out all of the monsters that aren't LIGHT. If there is a LIGHTSWORN monster that is a different attribute, keep it

  2. i dont know much about lightsworns but i can say

    1) put in judgement dragon please you need it to call it a LS deck

    2) instead of sangan, use armegaddon knight to send necro gardna straight to graveyard from deck

  3. i have been after that judgment dragon for ages i just cant

    get it .. i feel ur pain anyway i give a 7/10

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