
Rate my magician/dark deck yu gi oh?

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dark magician x2

skilled dark magician x2

skilled white magician x2

old vindictive magician x2

D.D warrior lady x1

Neo Spacian Grand Mole x1

King of the Swamp x1

Apprentice magician x3

Gemini Elf x1

Exiled foce x1

Snipe hunter x1

Jinzo x1

Cybernetic Magician x1

Mask of darkness x1


Dark Magic Curtain x1

Magical Dimension x3

Brain Control x1

Heavy storm x1

Monster Reborn x1

Swords of Revealing lights x1

Polmerization x2

ScapeGoat x1

Smashing Ground x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Lightning Vortex x1


Royal Decree x1

Compulsory evacuation device x1

Threatening roar x1

magic cylinder x1

Sakuretsu armor x1

draining shield x1

magic jammer x1

waboku x1


Dark Paladin




  1. Good deck, but I would suggest taking out one Polymerilization.  If you had a Buster Blader, then that would be a different story.  Like I said, good deck though.

  2. Monsters - 14

    2|Sd6|Dark Eradicator Warlock

    3|Db1|Dark Magician

    2|Rod|Dark Magician Knight

    1|Ioc|Dark Magician of Chaos

    3|Dpct|Elemental Hero Prisma

    3|Glasse|Vortex Trooper

    Spells - 19

    3|Ast|Dark Magic Attack

    3|Ioc|Dedication through Light and Darkness

    3|Rod|Knight's Title

    3|Dp2|Magical Mallet

    1|Lob|Monster Reborn

    1|Psv|Premature Burial

    2|Lod|Reinforcement of the Army

    3|Glas|Swing of Memories

    Traps - 7

    3|Pgd|Reckless Greed

    3|Fet|Threatening Roar

    1|Pgd|Trap Dustshoot

    Fusions - 6

    3|Dcr|Dark Flare Knight

    3|Mfc|Dark Paladin

    Might look like c**p, try it. Its freakin' amazing.

    OTK Combo = Prisma + Dedication/Knight's Title/Dark Magic Attack/Eradicator + reborn cards.

    Mallet/Trooper to return Dark Magician/DM Knight/etc. to deck.

    Swarm for game turn 2-3.

    For example.

    Rota -> Prisma, summon effect to drop DM, Dark Magic Attack to clear their backrow, Knight's Title to bring out Dark Magician Knight from deck, effect to kill anything left on field, Premy/Swing/Reborn DM, Dedicate to DMoC from deck, bring back the reborn card, use it on DM = 7800 damage. Add in Warlock + 1 more reborn and it's game.

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