
Rate my monarch deck? Thx?

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Cards: 40

Monsters (22)

Thestalos x3

Mobius x2

Zaborg x1

Caius x1

GK Spy x1

Cyber Dragon x2

Dekoichi x2

Legendary jujitsu master x2

Card trooper x1

Twin-headed behemoth x1

Spirit reaper x1

Treeborn frog x1

GK Guard x1

Night assailant x1

Sangan x1

D.D. Assailant x1


Premature burial x1

Scapegoat x1

Enemy controller x1

Foolish burial x1 (treeborn frog)

Monster reborn x1

Brian control x1

Heavy storm x1

Smashing ground x1

MST x1

Lightning vortex x1

Pot of avarice x1

Nobleman of crossout x1


Bottomless trap hole x2

Mirror force x1

Sakuretsu armor x1

Ceasefire x1

Torrential tribute x1




  1. looked over raiza, one of the best monarchs.

    sakuretsu armor is 2 or none in most cases

    gk isnt all that good, i would remove all but 2 gk spys. or replace them for other searchers like nimble, dragon trooper, giant germ, ect

  2. not to sound like a broken record but i agree w the other two swarm cards like giant germ  hydrogedon  and nimble are the way to go in monarch decks

  3. I agree with the 1st answer. My Monarch deck is full of searchers like nimble and giant germ.And the reason for this is that it makes the probability of drawing a Monarch much easier. Imagine you draw and hold 3 Monarchs in your hand and only 1 tribute monster. If it is nimble or another like it and the opponent attacks, you suddenly have 2 monsters on the field making it easier to summon a Monarch. The other great cards for a Monarch deck are strong defense monsters like D.Hero Defender, Marshmallon, or Spirit Reaper, which gives you time to draw a Monarch while protecting. Another very strong card for Monarch decks is Chainsaw Insect. 2400 attack without tribute. A strong card against most while, like the defense cards, protecting your LP.

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