
Rate my new Yu gi oh deck ^_^?

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VW-Tiger catapult(fusion)

XZ-Tank cannon(fusion)

YZ-tank dragon(fusion)

Xy-Dragon cannon(fusion)

2xW-wing catapult

2x-V-Tiger jet

3-Y-dragon head

2x-X-head cannon

Swift gaia the fierce knight

Battle footballer

Infernal flame emperor

Chaos necromancer

Raging flame sprite

Summoned skull

woodborg inpachi

Spirit of flames

2x-UFO turtle

Firestorm prominence

Z-Metal tank

Mystic swordsman

2x-Solar flare dragon

D.D.Warior lady

Charcoal inpachi

Ultimate baseball kid


Swords of revealing light

Dark core

Swords of concealing light

Monster reincarnation

Premature burial

Lightning vortex

noble man of crossout

Mystical space typhoon

Monster reborn

brain control


magic cylinder

raigeki break



trap hole

drop off

negate attack

dust tornado

karma cut

shadow spell

cementary bomb

dimension wall

spiritual fire art-kurenai




  1. there are some good combos but there are conflicts between the cards.  when you have a deck you want all the cards to work together and flow.  so basicly most hands/draws must be able to work together, also there are cards that give "card advantage" to your opponent.  check out this link if you want to read something good on "card advantage" & "tempo manipulation"  

  2. you could use a blue eyes white dragon, or a red eyes black dragon.. but it seems preety good...

  3. its way to random to be competeitive =/ sorry. 5/10

  4. wow that's a pretty good deck you have,I'm sure you have a Good competition

  5. ok this deck is scattered all over.i say either pick vwxyz or burn deck. i think a burn deck would be better personally because the vwxyz's arent very reliable because they need to be on the feild to fuse. get some secret barrels, ojama trios, lava golems, stealth birds, and des koalas (three of each).

  6. Make it a burn by taking out the yxzabc deal and make it fire to keep spiritual fire art

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