Bman=battery man.
3 Bman AA
3 Bman D
3 Bman micro cell
3 Bman industrial strength
3 Bman charger
2 gaurdian of order
1 honest(good luck with this one!)
1 marshmallon
1 super electromagnetic voltech dragon
1 sangan
1 card trooper
3 short circuit
3 battery charger
1 brain control
1 monster reborn
1 premature burial
1 mst
3 travel type battery
1 mirror force
1 torrential tribute
2 reverse limit
and tyler, i just don't like inferno reckless summon, too many requirements, and it gives your opponnent some more monsters for a few more of my batteries.n8 actually want to base it around industrial strength as i'm starting to see alot of judgement dragons in play as well as some people still using dad return and of course to break a mirror of this deck(pun intended!) i forgot to include 2 reverse limits last time lol.