
Rate my pearl team so far?

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octillery lv. 45

gunk shot

signal beam


wring out

marowak lv 43

swords dance



rock slide

weavile lv 52


night slash

brick break

focus punch

how could i make it better?

what could i add?

is it any good?




  1. Thats Really c**p,,

    Especially Weavile,

    Get a Gyrados

  2. please put their stats and people could make a more accurate rate.

    other than that i would say it is a 6/10

  3. Cut out first two

    Go to the starting area find a shinx, teach it phys moves no thunder bolt

    At luxray u should have on him

    Thunder Fang

    Discharge(its special buts its handy)



    Get a gryados teach it phys moves NO hydro pump

    Ice fang


    Surf(its spec but its needed)

    Aqua tail

    Alakazams teach him special moves NO PHYSICAL AT ALL, alakazams has one of the highest SP attack inthe game NO PHYS MOVES





    Both first two moves are needed, sometimes u need a pys move that is not super powerful

    now with that and ur weavil u have five pokemon plus ur starter thats six

    but u should always have about twelve main pokemon

    another one that u should get is honchcrow

    to get honchcrow u need mercrow which u can only get on diamond, get a friend who have diamond or go to the gts and get a mercrow, there is a stone right inside one of the gallactic basses in one of the cities, i think its called the dusk stone, use it on mercrow and u get one of the best bird types in the game(second only to zapdos im my opinion

    moves u should have on honchrow(as many phys moves a possible, he has a rly rly high attack and speed but poor D


    Wing attack

    Night slash

    Dark pulse

    If u are having any problems at all plz use this site

    there are four boxes u can open on the top and three on bottom

    top is all pokemon seperated by season

    bottom is ABCed

    It has all the moves location...just everything u could possibly need for that pokemon, some haters of the site say its hard to navegate on the pokemon pages...but uhhhh rly u have to be retarded

    GL hope i helped

  4. wats pearl team?

  5. 2/10. Soz it need a lot of improvment

  6. thats a good team 9/10 needs better pokemon tho

  7. no one seems to know what a pearl team is.

  8. theres only three pokemon in it .... u need six and those ones are c**p.

    0.5 out of 10

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