
Rate my performance in baseball

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Here is my stats

Batting Average .483

Walks 34

On Base Percentage .800

Stolen Bases 20

Pitching ERA 3.63

High Pitch Speed 80 Mph

Team Ranking 1st Place

Team Score 10-2

Wins 5

Loses 3

Innings 40.2

Most Pitches in a game 85

Age 15

Rate my performance




  1. no offense, but quit bragging. if you think you're good, then okay! no need to tell the whole world your averages...

  2. Not only are you not good, you can't even lie very well. Teams record is 10-2. so you have 12 games in? And you have 34 walks, but still have enough AB's to have  an average of .483 and an OBP of . 800. In order for those stats to match, you would have to have had over 100 at bats this year. Sorry, but it doesn't happen in only 12 games.

    Try a little harder next time, Scooter.

  3. your on base percentage seamms a bit high. but for pitching 80mph at 15 is okay i am playing 13u and pitching 65-75mph

  4. I can't tell if you are serious or not, if you are please don't turn into one of those cocky kids that asks these stupid questions.

    If you aren't serious, still don't ask these questions, Buzz Jockington does them better and yours is too close to the truth, work on your story telling skills

  5. Wait, is this real stats? If it is, heck yeah you're good. No one should be able to throw 80 at 15. Yeah, you're good. Hope I helped! :)

  6. These are just stats. I can not do anything with them. The only way to scout you is if I came to a series of your games, and saw the flaws slash strengths of your hitting/pitching/fielding mechanics. It takes a while to tell if you're a good ball player, let alone if you've got talent...

  7. no you are bad. very bad. and a liar.

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