
Rate my photography, tips?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Pretty good. I like the laid-back, casual feel of all of your photos. You don't take yourself too seriously, and that's good. Your composition, lighting, depth of field, etc. could use work, but take a few photography classes and you'll be good to go. Overall, I really liked them. They have a lot of personality.

    PS-My favorite one was "Hit".....but then again, I'm partial to anything that involves smokin' the herbage. LOL

  2. I absolutely love your eye, you took some simple and everyday things and made them beautiful!  Keep up the good work!

  3. Hi Kat

    Pretty good eye and good composition . I love your colors and the easy-going attitude.

    When a person takes a photo, its because they want to convey something to the viewer. A pic is woth a 1000 words.

    You convey that perfectly or almost. Good cropping also and good ideas on some of the photos.

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