
Rate my poem? I just wrote it...?

by  |  earlier

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This is my poem:

"I'm sorry,"

What an overused statement.

I hate those words;

No one ever means them.

You hear it everyday,

at the grocery store,

at the park.

"I'm sorry,"

repeated over and over

like a broken audio cassette tape.

maybe it would mean more,

if people actually meant it.




  1. 3 1/2 - 4

  2. it is unique and i like the view it creates of the word sorry ;)

  3. audio cassette tapes dont skip or repeat...theyre just kinda well, broke.

    other than that this was....

    well it was.

  4. I agree with Arley about the tape.  Perhaps the tape is filled with "I'm sorry" spoken in many languages, but always the same words; and when it reaches the end, it starts the other side and says the same thing.  I know, I know -- too much to put into your poem.

    The last line: "is people actually meant it."  is a judgment of the people in the world; I'm quite sure that "I'm sorry" is truly meant at times, but that even those who say it, often don't mean it.

    Well done.  A thinking woman's poem!

  5. I like the way you take risks with stream of consciousness. I would only critique one thing, and that is the cadence could have been a little stronger, It reads a little too much like a straight paragraph.

  6. agree it is very used and most people dont mean it:(

    but its very goodXD

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