
Rate my poem please, 1-10?

by  |  earlier

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Are you kidding me, you would really rate it? Give your opinion and try to debate it? Would you really tell me what you would change, rearrange? Would you really take the rarest form of art, written from the heart, twist it, bend it, and rip it apart?

Would you? What TRUE poet would?

And why would I write it twice, change the things YOU didn't like based on your advice? As soon as the poet felt it and picked up a pen, it was a 10. As soon as it was written it needed to exist, without a twist, in its original form, not changed to what you wanted it to be, this isn't a, and its not TV.

As soon as we all start writing what we think will sell..this form of art will go to h**l.We will start trends, like bell bottom pants, pet rocks and those ribbon pins. Poetry would become like the movies..with freddy..micheal, and jason vorheeze. The same thing written over again...with only a slighty different beginning and end.

Don't let happen to poetry what the need to sell vinyl did to R & B...evolved it into just another smoke weed and mack hoes CD. "I don't think that people would buy it..and since I don't then I wont write it"

So go ahead, rate it...ask me to change it, rearrange it..tell me just how bad you hate it. Show me how much you DON'T understand what poetry is all about..ask me to add, or take things out. Ask me to help you kill this art, make it something its not, and shouldn't be...go ahead, amuse me.

Regardless of critics my poem will remain, unchanged or altered it will stay the same. I asked it once I will ask again...Well, what did you think? Rate it please, 1-10.




  1. 7 but all that matters is you think it's a 10. And I'm not looking to change it. It is what it is. Stay true to yourself!

  2. i luv it!!!!! i would give it a 10!!!!!!!

  3. When did it start, and when did it end...?


  5. For the abhorrence of mindlessly assigning a number to assess what should be a series of complex ideas: 10

    For the cretinous exaltation of the initial inspiration over a work refined by laborious thought: 0

    For the lamentation of the execution of the Muse by Mammon: 10

    For the temerity to give vent to an ego almost as bloated and bombastic as my own: 8.35455678998123484842808622580074213957...  

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