
Rate my pokemon d/p team?

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blissey-bold nature



double team

body slam

*my strategy for blissey is to use toxic then keep on using double team while the opponent withers away and cannot land an attack(i will use soft boiled if im in trouble)*

Garchomp-impish nature



dragon claw

swords dance/fire fang

*my strategy for garchomp is to use sandstorm so his evaisevness will go up and to damage the opponent's pokemon, the beff up with swords danceand finish them off with earthquake or dragon claw*

gengar-timid nature


dream eater

shadow ball

sludge bomb

*my strategy for gengar is to put he pokemon to sleep with hipnossis and then suck away their health with deram eater and use sludge bomb and shadow ball for STAB and in case the pokemon wakes up*

rate my team out of ten and give me some suggestions if u want to change it!




  1. 9/10. Good team but get more pokemon.

  2. You have a really good team and good strategy's.I think that you should add a Gallade and Gardevoire to your team. And for a Water Type, Empoleon.

  3. maybe add 1 or 2 more pokemon, but other than that, 10!

  4. great team, but just get more pokemon  10  10  10  10!

  5. I really like blissey.  The strategy works well but you probably couldn't beat steel or rock types with it.

    Garchomp's strategy also works.  It might not work against other ground types.  Another problem would be and ice type could ko it before it got a chance to use swords dance.

    Gengar's strategy is good, but would not work if a psychic or dark type was the opponent.  Against a psychic you could use shadow ball at least, but with a dark dream eater would have no effect.

    Overall your strategies will work, but you should probably add more pokemon (unless it's for the battle tower).  With the moves you have you can't beat several different types.  (Ice, dark, water, etc)

    I'd give it a 7.5 just because of the types you have no strengths to.

  6. This is one of the better team's i've seen on yahoo answers. But it's still not perfect.

    Blissey. Forget double team. Double Teamers online are the lowest of the low, it's a tactic that's generally frowned upon by the gaming community, because it turns pokemon into a game of luck, rather than skill. If you're just playing in-game however, that's fine, no one will get annoyed with you. Heres a better competetive blissey moveset. Take out body slam, because blissey's meager attack isn't worth it



    Ice Beam




    Garchomp is better. Keep dance IMO, and knock off sandstorm for fire fang. Better type coverage, and if you can get just 1 dance in, you'll destroy everythign in your path.

    Gengar is the worst of your team. Hypnosis/Dream Eater is not a good combo, because any trainer with half a brain (aka anyone online, not in game). Would switch out of a sleep into something else, rendering dream eater useless. If you want to keep hypnosis, run this set.






    EnergyBall/Focus Blast (focus blast has better type coverage, but the accuracy drives me crazy)

    Sludgebomb just doesnt have the coverage to compete with those two.

    Over all, very solid, especially for this site. 8.5/10 Keep Training.

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