
Rate my pokemon diamond team and nicknames?

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ok this is my group im working with al sorts of types

blade (gallade) item black belt

phico cut

close combat

drain punch

swords dance

dragon fly (yanmega) item focaus sash moves

shadow ball

bug buzz



onthekill (glisor) item stritis berry moves

poision jab

stealty rock

swords dance


da dragon (dragonite) item stritis berry moves




ice beam

virus-x (porygon-z) item stritis berry moves

ice beam


tri attack

nasty plot

dark blaze (shiny charzard) item stritis berry moves

flame thrower


blast burn

dragon pulse




  1. Gallade, Great Nickname. I would replace Psycho Cut with Pyschic. Its a better move for it.

    I don't really like Yanmega, but i like its nickname. I would suggest getting a vespiqueen instead.

    Glisor, I don't really like the nickname, but if you do, then cool. Take out poison jab for sludge bomb.

    Dragonite. The nickname is ...sorry its just so typical so no. Take out outrage and teach it Draco Meter. Take out fly and let it learn slash orflamethrower

    Porygon Z is pretty alright. Take out ice beam for zap cannon, and teach it lock on

    Charizard. Take out fly. Arial Ace instead. I wouldn't have dragon pulse on him, but its a good move no doubt. I would rather slas but great job


  2. grate team wish i had 1 like it

  3. I like your team. Even the shiny charizard

  4. -You rely to much on berries and a Pokemon with Pluck will mess you up.

    -Other than that you have a decent team 7/10.


  5. i agree with psyopus on the berry part and other than that you have a great team

  6. blade wonderful nickname 10 /10 dragon fly nice name 10/10

    othekill is a alright nickname but he very skilled 10/10 da dragon love it 10/10 virus x so funny 10/10 dark blaze awsommmmmmmmmeeeee nickname 10/10

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