
Rate my pokemon pearl team and tell me how to make it better?

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salamence-lvl 100

-dragon claw



-fire blast

scizor-lvl 94

-iron head


-night slash

-hyper beam

lapras-lvl 88

-ice beam

-sheer cold


-hydro pump

starptor-lvl 100

-close combat

-brave brid


-wing attack

ampharos-lvl 100

signal beam

thunder punch



gengar-lvl 100


shadow ball

destiny bond

dark pulse

and i'm thinking about puting a ponyta in there cause it is a shiny 1




  1. I Can't improve on it in any way it is flawless

  2. I'm not exactly an expert but it looks good to me

  3. wow dats a good team!!! dont change it

  4. A good Ground type, Ice type, Psychic, and Electric type could kill this team.

    Ground could kill: Ampharos, Scizor.

    Solution: Switch em out ASAP. They can't learn any effective moves against a Pure Ground type, like Dugtrio, who is also fast.

    Ice could kill: Salamence and Staraptor.

    Solution: Make sure they attack first with their effective attacks, and make sure they get 1-hit-kos. Otherwise, switchem out.

    Psychic could kill: Gengar.

    Solution: Gengar is fine. But Destiny Bond sux, get rid of it.

    Electric could kill: Staraptor and Lapras

    Solution: Nothing super effective, just be quick.

    Hope that helped.

  5. Choice Scarf Heracross would destroy your team , you need a tank like Gliscor or hippodown i mean unless your not into wifi. in the normal game i dont think anything is going to beat this. lol

  6. 1 your team is 8 out of 10 and 2 get a good game like new super mario or gaitar hero

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