
Rate my pokemon team ( gold version)?

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I only have 3 badges lol

My active team

tododile ( lvl 34)

scyther ( lvl 28)

evee ( lvl 28)

flaaffy ( lvl 26)

abra ( lvl 25)

I will capture more later.

some pokemon I am waiting to evolve




  1. they all stink if you don't evolve them

    you'll never beat the elite four wwith those

  2. That team so

    I hate Flaffy  its dat sheep right????garbage

    Scther and Abra are ur toughest so train them more so u can beat anybody    and win    win until the game says THE END

    Scyther is so cool  I wish i had him  but these S****y pokemon keep popping up and scyther wont pop up!!!!

    I got Abra he is a good psychic   he can use shadow ball (dark move)

    Eeve is a gurl pokemon  what are u doing with eeve!!!

    Tododile is cool   are starters are cool

    U need to evolve your pokemon especailly ur abra  

    Its so strong when is kadabra  its kinda weak as abra...

    U have a good team  but u didnt talk about the HP or attack or defese,etc..

    IDK know if ur pokemon is weak or strong....??

  3. ill give them a d+

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