
Rate my pokemon team <span title="please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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Arceus lvl 100 hp 352

Darkrai lvl 100 hp 279

Lugia lvl 100 hp 344

Mewtwo lvl 100 hp 341

deoxys lvl 100 hp 246

dialga lvl 100 hp 339

let me know what you think

and also please rate out of 10 =D




  1. if its diamond version it isnt a good team vs me

  2. 0-10

  3. Your a f*g

  4. Out of 10, I give it a &quot;15/10&quot;........=O........ Unless you hacked(7.1/10.0).

  5. i would respect you that you cheated to get these pokemon but if you didn&#039;t that would be even better. if you replace lugia with palkia that would be better. 100% cool and strong.

  6.     wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooo...

  7. are they hacked pokemon

  8. Kickass Pokemon Except Mewtwo Other Then That Your Pokemon Team Is Pretty Cool

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