
Rate my warrior deck?

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2 Cyber Dragon

1 Mobius the Frost Monarch

2 Hydrogeddon

2 E-Hero Wildheart

2 Mystic Swordsman LV2

2 Maruading Captian

1 D.D. Survivor

1 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

1 D.D. Warrior Lady

2 Exiled Force

1 Mataza the Zapper

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Sangan

2 Cybernetic Cyclopean


2 Rush Recklessy

1 Nobleman of Crossout

1 Book of moon

2 Reinforcement of the Army


1 Brain Control

1 Premature Burial

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Giant Trunade

1 The Warrior Returning Alive


1 Royal Decree

3 Sak. Armor

1 Torrential Tribute

Havent played in a long time, year and a half or so. so im really rusty, looking for some advice




  1. thought u said u have a wariror deck?  pretty good anyway

  2. Looks pretty good to me.

    Havnt played this for a long time either.

  3. 7/10

  4. it looks pretty good to me i see good useful combos

    it will be great if yooh just use it correctly good luck hope i was a help i give it a 8.5/10

  5. 9/10 nice but add more warrior type cards

  6. ill give your deck a 7.1/10

  7. i would give u 5/10 if u want to go to the turnament u need

    a diffrent deck i doubt u would win with this one i undrestand

    u have not played in ages but thats no excuse u need a

    balanced deck if u need more help email me than i will

    sort ur deck out.
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